Scenario for the future of “life design”

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3 min readSep 22, 2016

Speculative timeline for the future of “life design”

This is all speculation. Think of it as grounded science-fiction ;-)

But what I think would be a plausible scenario for the future based on where things are going. Public policy will influence dramatically where this is going… but I’ll argue that when it comes to humans. Any proof that genetic modification is safe and will give you an advantage will be unstoppable. Some humans will want it and will have the means to do it.

— — — 2016 — — —

Aborting children with Down syndrome or genetic disorders is common and accepted practice.

We’ve dissociated the sexual act and reproduction. Contraception is an accepted social norm.

We’re treating certain forms of cancer with gene therapy. In other words we’re already editing genes.

We bio-engineered super mouses almost 10 years ago.

— — — 2020 — — —

Editing genes in therapeutic practice will be accepted. The first baby born with edited gene. Perhaps to save a child destined to a genetic disease like cystic fibrosis.

Genetic engineering for solving genetic diseases a birth will become the new norm.

Bio-Hacking becomes commoditized. New plants and foods will be the primary focus of most but…

…a few bio-hackers having access to a CRISPR editing device after successfully experimenting on lab rats will self-experiment and change the color of their eyes.

This will open the door to genetic engineering as cosmetic practice.

Genetic engineering enter political debate.

— — — 2025 — — —

After having created super smart mouses, then monkeys… An adventurer will successfully increase their IQ.

— — — 2035 — — —

Genetic engineering as a service: Companies will offer a “Gene Therapy” for our equivalent of 999$.

This might in a legit manner if the legal framework will allow it but if not it a black market will likely open… Their early clients will be technology early adopters, artists, athletes.

The service provided: Cosmetic engineering: Eye color. Pilosity. (Not losing your hair for men. Removing body hair for women). Bigger breasts for women. Skin quality and tint. Improve metabolism = Cure obesity. Improve IQ. Improve strength. Improve immune system, life longer…

First experimentation to go beyond human. First “hybrid” humans having features typically found in the animal kingdom. An improved night vision? An enhanced dog life sense of smell?… Humans would still look humans

Public debate around this issue divide the opinion between the progressive transhumanists and the conservative-humanists.

— — — 2045 — — —

First “designer pets”. An online service will propose anyone to customize their pets. Color, shape, intelligence… And will have presets based on our lifestyle. Want a smart pocket dog for city life? DONE

Want a dog, smart, clean, great with kids who doesn’t lose hair? DONE

Want a fast dog for hunting? DONE

Humans wanting to redesign their own self cosmetically. Creating their own style.

“Life designer” is the new hot job.

— — — 2100 — — —

Humanity divided in multiple “races”. Conceiving a child without sexual reproduction and EXO-genesis will be an accepted practice.

Some parents will design children based on a mix of their genes and their wishes.

That’s a speculation. I’m not the only one to think this scenario is possible.

Here’s a great video on the subjet:

What do you think?




A Human being who likes to make sense of everything.