Sean Spicer: Even Pharoah Never Killed Children

Mister Lichtenstein
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2017
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer at a press conference Tuesday.

WASHINGTON, DC — In his daily press briefing Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer raised eyebrows by comparing the alleged war crimes of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad to Pharaoh, Moses’s antagonist in the story of the Exodus.

“In this time of the Jewish holiday of Passover, it’s worth pointing out that even Pharaoh never stooped to killing children,” Mr. Spicer said as the press corps gaped.

When asked to clarify his statement, Mr. Spicer, apparently aware that his statement contradicts the bible, which states that Pharaoh murdered the newborn Hebrew boys as a way of controlling the population of the Hebrews, stumbled through a loose tangent about Pharaoh not killing children by aerial bombardment with chemical weapons.

In a related story, President Trump has suggested that Syria be punished for Assad’s war crimes by killing all the Syrians’ first born sons.

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