Self Help, Self Improvement, Listicles, Listoids, and What I Know about Medium Algorithms and Cold Showers. It’s all!

Fierce Force 💃🏼
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2017

When I discovered Medium I was fascinated by all the personal growth advice. I found it motivating.

Until I didn’t.

After a few weeks of good idea, oh interesting, I should try that — I thought to myself goddamn, that’s a lot of advice! It’s so trending on Medium too! That’s a hella lotta the same thing over and over. How do they generate so much content about the same thing? They are just changing the title around to deliver the same message- over and over and over.

I started to realize reading this stuff was making me feel shitty about myself. I’m not enough. I found it to be very condescending. I was over it. There is no way I can or want to do all of the things on these lists! I was feeling like the standards set were too much. I knew I had to figure this all out for myself. I had to write myself out of MY chaos, and I can share what works for me. Thank goodness I found This Glorious Mess. What a tribe! Glorious! We share experiences. We learn from them. We pass on wisdom. Without lecturing. Love our Medium Tribe.

I unfollowed writers, stories, and publications that I want in my feed. Here is what I know about Medium Algorithms. Nothing! Not a goddamn thing! Illogical, nothing makes sense. I can click over and over for “see less stories like this”, but sure enough the man who gets ranked in Medium top stories every week will be there in the morning to remind me to take a cold shower! Sigh. It’s all

Give me your tired, your weak, your pain, your mess- your vulnerability, your strength, your love, your experiences, your triumphs. I love you all!

Be Fierce 💃



Fierce Force 💃🏼

Naked On The Page. Mother. Living the next great love story. Want to see what happens next? Follow me, my pen knows best!