So You’ve Been Watching The French Election Huh? Here Are 7 French Words/Phrases To Subtly Indicate To Your Friends You’re Better At Culture Than Them.

Jonah Garland
2 min readMay 8, 2017


  1. Macaroon-

This one is an excellent word because it sounds like A Manual Macron. Perhaps he should start a Macaroon company. Oh well, anyway don’t call A Manual a macaroon, he hates it.


Order this treat with a lisp, so your friends know not to hang out with you anymore.

3.Passer That La Cigarette-

Perhaps my conjugations are not quite correct but I believe this roughly translates to “pass that the cigarette”

4.Pain Au Chocolate-

Not pain of the chocolate. Just a little croissant with chocolate in it.


The national drink of France, or so I say! This will be important when your candidate has lost and its time to get hammered at the local cafe.


In France it is not polite to be so nationalistic with your food.


This may be a bit confusing for you, American. If you want a coffee you will have to go to a cafe. Then you will order a Cafe. When the Cafe comes you will ask why is it so small. They will tell you its an espresso. You will say I did not order expresso. They will say obviously not because its espresso, please leave France immediately.

There you go! I hope now I have given you all the French knowledge you could have ever wanted or hoped for. Now go show your friends how much you know, jackass.

