Spicer to News Outlets: “Kindly Gag on My Gaggle”

Gregg Diller
Published in
1 min readFeb 27, 2017

News organizations go apoplectic on Sean Spicer’s canceling of today’s press briefing as he opted instead for an invite only “gaggle” to handpicked news outlets. CNN, The New York Times, and LA Times are on the outs. Here’s Spicer’s invited list:


FOX News


TV Guide

Little Timmy from “Kids say the darndest things”

Johnny from Scholastic News

Small Gloves Weekly

Smaller Feet Monthly

Hair Club for Men

The Spray Tan Gazette

Reports indicate next week’s gaggle may include Russiancupid.com and Alex Jones.



Gregg Diller

Comedy writer. Web series and film producer. My wife wants me to tell you my thoughts are my own.