Spring Is Finally Here, Also Donald Trump Deserves Another Chance

No, but this time I know why

Jonah Garland
2 min readMar 31, 2017


It’s that time of year again people, the weathers changing and people are coming out to play. So don’t you think it’s time we give Donald J. Trump one more chance. Just one more, the last one. This time it’s different I promise. Before we just thought he would change just cause, but now its for real and I know why. Donald Trump has Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Its so obvious people, clearly this is why always says “Sad” at the end of his tweets. He’s using it a cry for help. He can’t overtly say that he has Seasonal Affective Disorder. It would undermine him as a brilliant negotiator and “The Great Leader”. Also it wouldn’t look very presidential if he tweeted “Just tried watching Saturday Night Live — unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse. Seasonal Affective Disorder”. How Juvenile that would be!

Perhaps you’re worried that having a president with Seasonal Affective Disorder is not beneficial for the country. I am here to let you know that until Mar-A-Lago is foreclosed on, it can help keep the SAD at bay. A seasonal affective president works best when he is allowed to do whatever he wants. You just need to trust him, just let him do what is best for the country like he promised. A seasonal affective president is like a struggling artist. They are striving for perfection in this mixed up crazy world and want to make everyone happy. Often times I catch Mr.Trump looking out the window with sadness wondering about the wrong in the world. He is such a troubled complex manboy.

Remember the first time everyone wanted to give him a second chance after he won the election? It was a nice gesture but that wasn’t really fair of you guys to do because that was when the seasonal affective disorder started. It was getting cold, and especially because President Trump was probably homesick too, the SAD really kicked into high gear. It really threw a wrench in the first 100 days and we could probably just call a mulligan on the whole thing. Other presidents that had Seasonal Affective Disorder include but are not limited to; George W. Bush.

I can’t stress enough that this not like those other second chances he got. All of those other times can be ignored because of his condition. Mexicans are rapists? SAD. Disabled reporter? SAD. Women are fat pigs? SAD. Winning the presidency? SAD! Lets show Donald Trump one more try.

