The 7 ways Medium got membership launch wrong

Jess Semaan
Published in
5 min readMar 24, 2017

Two days ago, I went to use my favorite platform. I started reading from writers, that Medium has changed to membership model and 1) I do not know what that means 2) I cannot find any communication or FAQ about it except a post on medium that is locked.

When I asked my boyfriend who had received something, to send me a link so I can read about membership, the link did not go through.

As a loyal writer, user, and advocate for medium, I felt let down, disappointed and to be honest angry.

I decided to channel my anger, in putting together comms suggestions for Medium. I have my years at Airbnb to thank for these insights and learning.


Membership is not a feature launch

It is a product relaunch. A strategy change. In some ways, Medium is not adding honey to an apple (example: series), Medium is replacing the apple with an uncooked potato. And it hurts biting it. As such, the company must take as much time in planning the communication strategy, as the time it spends in building the product. This is not something you silently roll-out. It has big impact on people’s lives and potentially livelihood.


Involve your power users

Reach out separately to top writers, and not only top publications, with an email detailing what is coming up. More importantly, involve your top writers, and top readers in your product changes. We are your community. For Medium to last, and be a brand, not just a site, it has to have a community based strategy. Get our feedback. Let us in on the changes. Explain to us the impact it will have on our lives. I do spend 3–5 hours a day on your site.


Announce first, roll out later

It turns out I did not get the email launch because I turned off notifications for product announcements. One, I did that ages ago, I had no idea what the consequences would be. Two, I had to email a friend at Medium and after several emails we figured it out. Meaning I was never going to get an email!!

When you re-launch your product be sure to email everyone. This is not a feature launch! This is a new product.

Also, what is the point of the founding member concept? If I did not receive an email because my product announcements notification is off, I cannot be a founding member? Who gets to be? What does it even mean?


Membership is complicated. Treat it as such

Make a detailed how it works video. Host a live Q&A. Talk about the process, the impact, the purpose. Instead of asking people to join, let the call to action be to learn more. Do not lock the email detailing what membership is.

Create a section for membership to house all the education. A full page.

Instead of a call action on my page in the app to become a member, it should say learn more.


Inspire us to give you our money

Get our hearts singing. Get me to feel like I want to pay $5. Where is the vision? Where is the why? Where is the impact it will have on individual writers? Tell me stories. Take me with you on a journey. make me dream. Ev Williams could make a video address, to share the vision.


Education by type of users

Answer the following questions. Email us questions and answers. Tell me what does it mean for me?

Types of users I can think of:

  • Star writers
  • Writers
  • Big publications
  • Medium size publications
  • Small publications
  • Power readers / users
  • Reader / writer
  • People joining Medium for the first time
  • Media


For writers:

  • How does it impact me?
  • What if I do not pay?
  • Will this change impact my readership?
  • How do I get paid?
  • Do I get a % of $5?
  • Where is the money going?
  • How does the partner program work?
  • What if I do not get in the program? Can I work separately with a publication?
  • What should I be paying, when I write for free?

For readers:

  • What do i get with $5? (give the reader a taste)
  • What are the perks of a founding member?
  • How is Medium different than other platforms that are free? Example facebook
  • Why $5?
  • How do I cancel my membership?
  • If I am a frequent writer, do I get to pay to read?

For publications:

  • How is publication membership different than medium membership?
  • Does the new product decrease our reach?
  • What does the change mean for small publications?

Many more obvious questions


Gather feedback

Have a feedback button. Reach out to your top users to ask for feedback. I even want to go and suggest: apologize for this poorly communicated launch.

I hope Medium takes this feedback in, and thinks of hiring someone for their community comms. To build a product is easy. To build a lasting product, a brand, is hard. And Medium has a choice today. But not forever.

Update 03/25/17

To send feedback to medium directly you can do it at

Medium partner Program details

Membership benefits can be found here:

FAQs can be found here

I am now a Medium member.

I created a Patreon page to support writing my first book. Be part of my journey to be a full-time writer, and publishing my first book, by giving as little as $1 a month. Be my patron. I am doing this. You are doing this. We are doing this.

