Things I’ve Left in Men’s Apartments

Some I got back, some are gone forever, some were life-changing, some were not.

April Zhang


This would fall under “gone forever” but was it life-changing? Hard to say.

My virginity.

I won’t kiss and tell but I will say I was very old when it happened and it was fine.

I will never make this mistake again.

My earrings.

This date resulted in a very good story and I also managed to get these earrings back, so it was an all-around win.

This drawing of his fridge probably has more food in it than his actual fridge.

My leftovers.

From the dinner we’d had that evening. It was Chinese food and it was pretty yummy so I was happy to go get it from him the next day and eat it for dinner that night.

Haven’t we all left one of these behind before?

My heart.

I also managed to get this one back, but maybe it is also gone forever.

It was actually his mom’s cat.

My tears.

My allergic reaction to the cat was just the cherry on top of a date that was so bad, it was good.

April Zhang is an artist, illustrator, and crafter living in Brooklyn, NY. You can follow her @apezhang on Instagram.

