Three Easy Steps To Beat Trump!

Lots of people think getting rid of Trump is going to be hard! With the midterms just two short years away, it’s time to get ready and follow these three, super easy steps to defeating President Trump and his allies in the upcoming elections.

Mister Lichtenstein
1 min readFeb 8, 2017


  1. Get the Democratic party to finally admit the working class exists and sort out what the fuck they actually need, then address their concerns.
  2. Call out Republican cowards who won’t stand up to Trump, and get them on board with beating him, or use the optics to combat his public image.
  3. Break open the cryo-tube containing FDR’s healthy clone and run that motherfucker on a ticket with someone more exciting than a storm drain full of cheese.

Please recommend and comment, and go check out my website. Please check me out on Twitter if you want to keep up with my goings on. Seriously though, just pay attention to local elections. That shit is what sets the stage for the national politics. Your local leader today could be in the Senate in a few years, and running for President soon thereafter.

