Trump Responds to Amazon Selling Out of Copies of 1984

“Big Brother is the best brother, the biggest brother… A winner, like me.”

Mister Lichtenstein
2 min readJan 28, 2017


WASHINGTON, D.C. — During a press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May, Donald Trump addressed questions about Amazon recently selling out of copies of George Orwell’s 1984.

“I love 1984. Kellyanne read it to me every night before putting me to bed during the campaign. It’s such a good story, such a good story,” said the President.

“Big Brother is the best brother, the biggest brother, the most seeing, most knowing brother. So presidential, it’s unpresidented,” he continued.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer said that Big Brother’s ethos aligned closely with Trump White House policy and they saw 1984's return to the best sellers list as a major victory.

“It’s what I’ve been saying all this time: you have your facts, and we have the truth. The truth is 1984 is a great book with great ideas, the kind of thing you should read when you’re growing up because it helps shape you. Big Brother is the kind of hero we can only hope to emulate when we grow up,” Mr. Spicer announced to a slack-jawed White House press corps.

“You can’t read anything into this. Orwell’s sales always have an uptick when a Republican is elected to the Presidency,” said Political analyst Dr. Joshua Morgenstern of The Council on Foreign Relations. “Usually this is followed by an uptick in sales of The Catcher In The Rye about a year later. Look: I carry a copy with me every day.”

When reached for comment, Chief Strategist Steve Bannon told us he’d give one, provided we wait for him in room 101.

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