TrumPooning Tunes

Trump sings “I Wish I Was in Dicky Land” (I’d make him pay, hooray, hooray)

Harper Thorpe
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2018


”These guys have pledged their loyalty to me, have lied for me, and would probably kill for me if I asked!” (Image courtesy of

Sung to the tune “I wish I was in Dixie Land”

I wish I was like Senator Cotton,
Ethics and principles all forgotten;
Trump’s a fraud! Thank the Lord! He’s our fraud! GOP.

In Arkansas we’ve no concerns,
‘Bout conflicts of interest or tax returns,
Trump’s a fraud! Thank the Lord! He’s our fraud! GOP.

Tom Cotton has no conscience, it’s all for show
He wants to run the CIA
And lie-for-Trump’s his game plan
Trump U, Swamp too, the GOP mutation
And Mitch, Trump’s bitch, “No comment on those Haitians”


I wish I was like Dick Perdue,
Head up Trump’s ass, he’ll dick you, too;
Trump’s a fraud! Thank the Lord! He’s our fraud! GOP.

In Georgia, first we can’t recall,
Then, Trump says “Lie, make Durbin fall”
Trump’s a fraud! Thank the Lord! He’s our fraud! GOP.

So Dick Perdue’s a liar, this is not news
But now he uses Trump’s straight face
A hand-picked Trump instructor
Lindsey, our plea, please clear-up this confusion
Don’t duck, Trump’s muck, the GOP’s collusion

“Kelly said Kirstjen would be good at Homeland, but he left out she had a great ask-me-and-I’ll-lie-for-Trump!” (Image courtesy of

Now Kirstjen Nielsen joins the fray
Deports at night and lies by day
Trump’s a fraud! Thank the Lord! He’s our fraud! GOP.

I can’t recall that “shithole” chat
Agreed to lie, not more than that
Trump’s a fraud! Thank the Lord! He’s our fraud! GOP.

John Kelly will support me, he knows I’m deaf
When I took-on Trump’s Homeland job
He knew this would be handy
Eats thighs, loves fries, so how can you not love him
Postscript, John skipped, that lying’s not above him!

©2018 HHThorpe

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Harper Thorpe

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!