Trump’s “Shithole” Denounced By GOP Lawmakers in Strongest .. (just kidding)

Harper Thorpe
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2018
Confucius says: Asshole with no sphincter control shits on Party but gets none on himself. (Image Source)

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

Lindsey Graham to Tim Scott, confirmed, Trump’s racist diarrhea
Florida Haitians could not have done this, “Perhaps, a tainted tortilla”

“Unfortunate, unhelpful”, screamed spineless Paul Ryan
Then, tried to change the subject, but no one was buyin’
Erik Paulsen’s broadside, a harsh: “inappropriate”
Then urged an apology — Trump and “Apology” are associates?

Cotton and Perdue, we’re not convinced, despite your southern drawl
Their joint statement read: “His comments, specifically? Sorry, no recall.”
It’s rumored
Arkansas’ Cotton, with Sessions gone, might lead the CIA
comrade Trump, makes perfect sense, Tom’s independence is MIA

Unbelievably, Rodney Davis, channeled the Charlottesville Trump
“Rhetoric .. from leaders .. of both parties ..bad”, what an effing chump?
McConnell & McCarthy’s spokesmen, stuck, they were lamenting
“In the meeting? Yes; Their principles? No; I guess, they won’t be commenting”

Other non-denouncement GOP pronouncements, generated airtime
Carlos Curbelo sent this loving tweet, “I support those with short timelines”
Orrin Hatch, like he didn’t know shit, “White House, explain Trump’s remark”
Mike Coffman, celebrated diversity, but he wouldn’t take-on the Monarch
Marco Rubio, did not call Trump out, but tweeted political driveling “Immigrants .. blah, blah .. blah, blah, and blah”, a GOP Senator’s sniveling
Ronna Romney, RNC Chair, decided the issue wasn’t Trump’s fault at all
“The media focus distracts from real issues,” so the Media takes Trump’s fall?

A few in Trump’s party, stepped-up to condemn, his use of a vulgar slur
Collins, McCain, Jeff Flake, Mia Love — a Haitian-American her
Most effectively hid from the press, but if caught, to avoid shithole Hell
They used the GOP’s new Party line, “Donald Trump? Huh, doesn’t ring a bell”

They feign offense, then shift the blame, are his defense, defend his claims
Nikki Haley’s UN flames, we’re watching daily, we’re taking names!

And for dessert:



Harper Thorpe

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!