We Gon’ be All Right! Read Full Emergency “Stay” Order Against Trump’s Muslim Ban

Cynthia Dagnal-Myron
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2017
Official Twitter announcement from @ACLU tonight

First things first. From Mother Jones we now have a link to the entire document from Brooklyn Federal Judge Ann M. Donnelly putting a “stay” on the Muslim ban. Just click here.

The ACLU complaint that won this victory is also right below it. I’m in absolute awe. And there are no words for the gratitude. I can’t even. Hope, even the smallest ray of it, feels so wonderful after a week like this.

And though this victory is only a small first step applying only to this with visas or whose applications have been approved, the swift action of ACLU (make it rain on ’em today — donate) and the thousands who now move en masse at a moment’s notice have reminded us, as those thousands often chant, that “This is what Democracy looks like!”

And among the many chants I heard today, the one that touched my heart most was the simplest, from the crowd at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport. It was a chorus from Kendrick Lamar, just, “We gon’ be all right,” which, until today’s triumph, didn’t seem to fit the times we live in.

Today, it kinda did. If you don’t know it, listen. WARNING: even this shorter version may be too much for some folks. It’s uncensored and still packs a punch. But it’s here:

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Cynthia Dagnal-Myron

Award-winning former features reporter for the Chicago Sun Times and Arizona Daily Star, HuffPo contributor and author.