What a Hot Fucking Take

James Chatham
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2017

Charles Blow of The New York Times has a big fucking opinion, and I cannot wait to share it with you. Holy shit, you can’t even conceive of how goddamn fresh this take is. It’s controversial, edgy and sure to blow your pants right the fuck off. Are you ready?

Wowza! Now that, my friends, is a hot fucking take. Or a hot fucking fake amirite? Hardy har har.

But seriously, did you know that Donald J. P. Morgan Trump has reneged on his promises to lock Hillary up and drain the swamp? Of course you fucking did. That’s the goddamn meme of the century. This was tiresome before the man won the presidency. It’s not exactly an exposé now.

Charles Blow, whose name seems particularly apt in this case, is not wrong. He is just, as the saying goes, an asshole. Surely, we’re all in agreement about Donald Trump being a liar liar pants on fire at this point, right? And those who aren’t certainly don’t read the op-ed section of the Times in search of conversion. Thus, why the fuck are we still writing pieces like this? Isn’t the media cluttered enough as it is?

Donald Trump grabbed the highest office in the land right by the pussy months ago. Roughly three. We do not need any more “Isn’t Donald Trump the Worst?” articles or thinkpieces. That territory has been thoroughly covered. By all means, criticize the policies, continue to expose the lies, and generally demonstrate a public distaste for the Trump brand of ignorance. But please do so specifically.

Writing about how stupid and annoying Trump is has become a pretty easy way to garner a few hell yeahs and a like or two. It doesn’t require much beyond passive anger and several minutes at a keyboard. Blow’s piece reads like your cool progressive grandma’s Facebook feed, with comments like

He isn’t cunningly unpredictable; he’s tragically unprepared and dangerously unprincipled.


Trump cares only about Trump, his brand and his image, his family and his fortune.

Yeah, no shit Sherlock. This cannot possibly have just occurred to you. Nor has it just occurred to the rest of us. And you have to know that, Charles. So what are you doing? Having a slow day? This is precisely the brand of CNN round-the-clock repetitive journalism people have come to expect and loathe. It’s what put Trump in the limelight in the first place, and it’s what is continuing to fuel the ongoing wrongheaded notion that calling him a fraud is, in some way, controversial. The more that Blow and his ilk try to argue that Trump is a big fat phony, the less power that statement has.

So, please, for the sake of preserving the very right and true idea that Trump is, in fact, a fraud and a fake: STOP.



James Chatham

Writer/Aspiring Court Jester. Follow me on Twitter @James_Chatham if you must.