What it’s like to go to my favorite bar and almost always end up sitting next to a guy who was in “The Revenant”

Ryan Hessel
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2017


Yep. This has happened to me on a handful of occasions over the past 3 years, and no, I’m not going to give away his name out of respect for the work he does and his privacy. Although if you’re one of those neckbeard hacker types I’m sure you could connect the dots and figure it out. Why am I writing about this? Because it’s fucking awesome and long overdue. I’m acquaintances with an actor who was in the revenant! Ya know, that movie that finally got Leo the oscar? Alright you got me. It’s Leonardo Dicaprio. That’s who I run into at my favorite bar almost always. It’s not Leo. It’s Tom Hardy! It’s not Tom Hardy. My lips are sealed people! Yes I consider myself an acquaintance of his even though I’m certain he doesn’t remember me. No matter, we’ve talked a couple times and I’ve made him laugh at least once so that’s something. Plus we go to the same bar all the time so we’re practically brothers!

Alright, all praising aside he’s just a guy. And the work he did in the Revenant was just a job. An Academy Award nominated job sure, but still a job none the less. It’s odd how I discovered this, I had actually met him a few years prior to the Revenant coming out. He was an actor in an indie movie I saw at a local film festival. So let me be clear: I was a fan of his work BEFORE I saw the Revenant. How cool am I? Cooler than you! Alright whatever. This post probably sounds all kinds of ignorant. I guess what I’m attempting to get to is that actors are just people. People who stand in front of a camera and lose themselves. They’re artists like you and me. Just regular people with regular problems. They’re not gods like the media makes them out to be. That’s what I’ve learned from being around this individual. I guess I kind of always knew that anyways, but it’s just nice to have that experience first hand. I’m certain if he ever read this he’d think I was some kind of neckbeard stalker or weirdo, and I wouldn’t blame him. I am some kind of weirdo.



Ryan Hessel

Here to spew whatever sickness inhabits my mind. Good or bad.