What The Hell Does “The Leaks Are Absolutely Real,The News Is Fake” Mean?!

Mister Lichtenstein
Published in
1 min readFeb 17, 2017

The leaks are absolutely real, the news is fake.

What the hell do those words mean? If the leaks are real leaks, then the information being reported — the news — is real news. How can he parse this out?

Does Trump not know what the word “real” means? Because if say, someone in the White House was telling lies to the press, then that wouldn’t be a leak because no real secrets kept in the vessel of the White House would have leaked out. So if the news being reported is “fake” in his estimation, then surely there is no leak.

Just another example of the up is down left is right, 1984 newspeak the White House uses to trundle along. Ugh.

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