Why Being Thirteen and In The 9th Grade Is Not That Impressive

Skyylar Jordan
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2016

I’m thirteen years old and the volunteer for about 5 different organizations, 6 counting the second political branch of the Make It Work campaign. Either way, I like to think of myself as an impressive person. But nothing excited me more than finding someone who is equally or more impressive than I am. ‘Cause it’s a lonely world out there in the midst of phone banking, graduating at 16, conference calls, being the youngest ambassador of a national campaign, and adults being astonished that I’m even in the 9th grade. So just imagine my joy in finding a certain Lewis Lim, a fourteen year-old boy in my English and Biology class whom I always end up running into during field trips.

Lewis is fourteen years old and about 56", which is 4 ft 8 inches. Yes. He is small. He is very small. And now I shall personally congratulate you for saying something that has been said to him, his twin brother Dexter, and his parents, pretty much his whole life. Good job. Now, onto the the things you don't know about him…

Although Lewis is small in size, his brain is quite large. In my opinion of course, he’s one of the smartest in the classes I have with him, sitting atop a pedastol next to a friend we call Nintendo. Although I only see him a little over twice a week, every time I do he never ceases to amaze me. I’m not one to snoop on other people’s grades, but I’m 110% sure that he has all A’s.

Since I know you can’t stand to keep quiet, we shall refer back to his height. Would you like to say it again? Yes, yes he is small for his age. In fact, most people assume he’s about 8 or 9, 11 being the highest age (which is how old I thought he was). His mother Susan Lim also isn’t very tall, about 5'5 or 5'6 inches I’d guess. I’ve never met his father, but it’d be quite a stun to see him be 7 feet tall. In fact, it’d be one of the greatest realization moments in human history.

Lewis has all standard subjects. English, Algebra 1, Biology, Health and PE, Freshman Success (a class in which you learn how to succeed as a freshman. Big surprise.) and World Geography (being the only class I don’t have with him , besides Algebra 1). He doesn’t really enjoy frying his brain on gamers shouting into their mics on YouTube or the horrible, I repeat HORRIBLE Disney Channel reboots that obviously originated from the 1980’s and 90’s (I’m talking to you Girl Meets World. I’m lookin’ right at you.) Lewis loves to read, and so should everyone. Most of the books he reads come from a certain Stuart Gibbs. I did a quick Google search on him and made a very keen observation that he really loves spies. And space.

Not only is there Spy School, but there is EVIL Spy School…

I asked Lewis about the future, since someone of his age and IQ must have thought a little about the future. But “I have absolutely no idea!” was his answer. I laughed and asked him to continue and he replied with “Something that includes chemistry or math. Those are my favorites.” Something in the STEM department sounded nice for him. Maybe an engineer or a forensic lab expert, either way I’d love to see him with goggles on playing with fire.

Staying in Vegas was his ultimate plan, the bustling city life is just better for some than for others. He might possibly leave the city for education purposes, but that’s really it. After all, international colleges are proven to be much better than American ones. Explaining the reason why is another article for another day…

In all honesty I can’t wait to see Lewis at another field trip again. Watching people be astonished by his age gives me laughter and a slight sense of pride. Who knew there was someone out there that was more amazing that I am, and who knew that he was right on my computer screen?



Skyylar Jordan

Intern at Planned Parenthood. YWPL alumni. Sophomore in high school. Professional procrastinator and full-time fangirl. Ready to laugh at your bad, bad jokes.