Yes Asshole, I’m Liberal and I’m Proud of It

Timothy R. Myers
Published in
4 min readFeb 4, 2017

I’ve fucking had it. I’ve had it with your condescending tone and attitude, I’ve had it with the way you talk to and about me. I’ve had it with your careless disregard for facts and history and I’ve had it with you speaking to me like I’m un-American and don’t belong here.

You have a warped vision of the definition of “American”, you talk down to me and classify me as an enemy of the state. So, let me set the record straight. Yes, I care about:

  • The law and the rules that govern this country,
  • The women and men, regardless of background, country of birth, sexual orientation, etc. that offer and have offered their lives in protection of the U.S Constitution and my freedoms,
  • The U.S. Constitution and all its articles as the foundation of this country and how we operate,
  • The less fortunate and those that need a helping hand,
  • My fellow global citizens whose lives are in jeopardy due to oppressive and suppressive governments,
  • Stopping global terrorism and stopping those that will harm or take another person’s life,
  • The environment both for my own sake and the sake of the future,
  • Indigenous peoples their rights, their future, and their history,
  • The impact we are having on our climate and its consequences,
  • Ensuring that all have equal opportunity to healthcare and all its meanings regardless of one’s socio-economic class,
  • Equality of all peoples regardless of sex, color, creed, orientation, etc. with no limitations based on any condition,
  • The equal treatment and rights of citizens in our judicial system, on our streets and in correctional systems,
  • A woman’s right to choose and do what she wants with her own body,
  • Religious freedoms and the ability for one to individually decide what is best for them,
  • The history, words, and actions of all that have given of themselves to provide me the freedom and liberty that is available to me,
  • The opportunity for global citizens to make the United States their home. — “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
  • A fair society in which NO ONE is left behind. A society in which one is free to build a life for themselves, their families, whoever they want while treating others fairly,
  • A capitalistic society, tempered by laws that ensure proper boundaries are maintained, in which businesses can grow and prosper by offering great offerings to a market in which consumers choose what and where they spend their time and money,
  • Listening to and accumulating facts and making decisions based on the most information that can be obtained about any given subject,
  • And much more.

Yes, I am a Liberal Citizen of the United States. You are NOT more patriotic than I am and you are not a better person than I am. You do not OWN this country. Your view of the American Dream and what makes this country great is not the only view. You can label me any way you like, and I don’t care. You can call me a Liberal with disdain, hatred, and anger dripping from your lips as you do so. You can call me politically correct, I don’t care. You can bully me and you can call me names. You can be angry about the things I say and do and you can twist the truth to make me look like a plague on our society. Sure, go ahead, judge me as if somehow you believe you are morally greater and holier than I am. You can hate, bully, talk shit, say anything you like.

What you can’t do is change me. You will not scare me and you will not replace my hope for a better world with fear. I, regardless of what you think, have built a life on hope and the American dream. I contribute more than you ever will, I contribute to making this country and this planet better every day. I lend a hand to anyone that needs it and I strive every day to make sure my actions lift everyone they touch. I’ve accomplished all I have in my life by being the best citizen I can be, being fair to those around me, and I’ve never stood on the backs of others to be who I am. I, like everyone, have done nothing alone, my family, friends, colleagues, and loved ones have all been there for me. As an American Liberal, I’m proud of what I stand for and my contribution to this great nation and the world. You can say anything you like, but you can’t take reality away from me.

Yes Asshole, I’m Liberal and I’m Proud of It.



Timothy R. Myers

Passionate Professional: #talentacquisition, #Data, #Transformation, #FinTech. Helping to close the Tech gap for the new world in which we live.