You’re A Lying Narcissist Myers Briggs

Jonah Garland
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2017

Dear Myers and Briggs,

Recently I stumbled upon your personality test and decided to give it a whirl. Excited to learn something new about myself I eagerly awaited the results of your test. Unfortunately upon receiving the results, I became a little discouraged about the credibility of your exam. There must be some sort of mistake here because the personality type I was given was ‘Lying Narcissist’. Now I understand that it must be hard to grade all of these tests, but I can assure you that I’m not a ‘Lying Narcissist’. I’m great! Upon further research I found that the description for a ‘Lying Narcissist’ is described as people who lie to their friends, only talk about themselves, and are oblivious to their own faults. That doesn’t make sense because everyone loves me.

Why I can’t be a ‘Lying Narcissist’:

  1. I have so much money
  2. My dogs literally eat from my hand
  3. I have Amazon Prime-Prime(don’t even bother asking)
  4. My wife is a 10
  5. I have a Google Pixel

Obviously, I’m an ENTJ because they’re described as a commander. If you knew me any better you’d most certainly agree. ENTJ describes me perfectly except where it starts talking about weaknesses. I’ve never had any weaknesses, and am still weakness-free. Does this ‘Lying Narcissist’ profile have any weaknesses? I guess it might fit me if it did have any weaknesses. Why does ‘Lying Narcissist’ not have one of your nifty little acronyms. Frankly, its insulting. It’s probably because it’s so rare and prestigious. Wouldn’t want to get it mixed up with the plebs huh?

Anywho, you’re going to pay for this Myers and Briggs, you’re gonna pay. This is slander at it’s finest. Let me tell you guys a little story. Once upon a time, I was walking down a busy bustling urban street, when I happened upon a homeless gentleman. He asked for some spare change, and I gave him a dollar. A dollar! He only asked for spare change, and you know what I did? I gave him a whole damn US fucking dollar. If thats Narcissism I don’t think I want to even live on this cold rock anymore.

How can I be the ‘Lying Narcissist’ here anyway? You asswipes named this rigged test after yourselves. If anyone is the narcissist here, it’s you skunks. Elon Musk didn’t name his car the Musk Mobile. I look forward to an Alexander Graham Bell call from you folks with an apology and explanation.

By the way, who the hell is Myers and or Briggs. What kind of a name is Myers and Briggs. Did your moms never love you or something? Those names aren’t even good enough for my dogs. I’m going to have my maid carve your names into wood blocks and then have them thrown in a wood chipper. Actually, Briggs you seem like an ok lady. Its that Myers broad that I worry about. You know I saw her beat her kid. She beat him with a hammer. It was a brutal one. I suggest you look into her, or I will. Myers, we should grab coffee sometime. You’ve never gotten coffee with me, but I can assure you, its great.


Viscount Lord of the Manor

Jonah Garland

