Bulwark Wallet Release Announcement

Kristen Colwell
Bulwark Cryptocurrency
1 min readJan 10, 2019

There is the potential for an issue with the new staking consensus in the latest wallet (v2.1.0). As the consensus spork has not been used yet, we are fixing it before the issue arises. This means that if you have updated already -or- have not updated at all you MUST download version 2.1.1 prior to the spork being used.

ALL local wallets, masternodes, and Secure Home Nodes MUST be updated to version

Bulwark Details

All of the details for this mandatory update have been summarized here: https://bulwarkcrypto.com/bulwark-2-1-1-0-wallet-release-announcement/

Masternode Auto-Updater

We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but there is also great news. Our masternode installer now includes an auto-updater! Here’s what it does:

– Installed when you update your masternodes
– Checks for masternode updates once per day
– Automatically keeps your VPS masternode up to date
– It is mostly hands off but if there is a protocol change you will need to activate the masternode again from your local wallet

Please update at your earliest convenience and thank you for your patience everyone! Don’t forget that we are here to assist. Visit the Bulwark Forum, Knowledgebase, and/or YouTube Channel for guidance and troubleshooting.

