Bulwark Carver Framework Updates

Bulwark Crypto
Bulwark Cryptocurrency
2 min readApr 6, 2020

Hey everyone,

First, we hope that you are all staying healthy and safe.

Welcome to this week’s weekly updates! Time for some exciting Carver Framework Updates.

Carver Framework, by Bulwark.

Shared Widgets

This week we would like to introduce a new working feature on Carver Framework called “Shared Widgets”. Let’s say you go to stats page and it has some static widgets for network/chain and website stats. Instead of creating a new widget for each user that visits that website, why not just create that widget once, keep it running in real-time and when the user looks at the page just fetch those widgets from memory. With Carver Framework this is possible, and now we have our first shared real-time widget. So what might look like a simple web page to you is actually a combination of shared and personal widgets. Don’t forget that shared widgets can update the front-end in real-time. We’ve made a new page for stats. This has the first shared widget and everyone on the website is looking at the same widget! When people join/leave Carver Framework this page will update in real-time.

Widget Grid Breakpoints Carver Framework is built around tiny real-time widgets. Each widget can communicate with any other user, widget or piece of data on the network. You can now customize widgets to take up variable amount of space. (ex: stacking widgets side by side)

New Look and Feel & New Widgets We’ve given Carver Framework some more Material UI design oomph. This along with new a number of new widgets finally makes the whole framework feel alive. You can now navigate around the framework and block-chain data. Here is another example of a “running total” balance that we’ve migrated from Carver2D. Overall the whole framework finally coming together and we can’t wait to see what the comings weeks will bring as we’re polishing the framework for a public release. We don’t want to rush it just yet, but you can always grab a working copy from:

Stay safe,

Bulwark Team.

