Cron in Linux: history, use and design

Vladimir Kazanov
Bumble Tech
15 min readApr 7, 2020


There is an age-old classical saying that happy people don’t watch the clock. There weren’t any programmers or Unix operating systems in those pre-civilisation times, but in our day programmers know for sure that cron is watching the clock for them.

For me, command-line utilities are both a passion and a daily routine. sed, awk, wc, cut and other old programs are run on our servers every day. Many of them are set up run through cron, a scheduler that dates back to the 1970s.

For a long time, I used cron in nothing more than a superficial way; I never went into the details. But one day, coming across an error while running a script, I decided I would get to the bottom of things. That is how this article came to be written and how, in the writing of it, I got to know POSIX crontab, the versions of cron in Linux distributions and what some of them consist of.

Do you use Linux and run programs through crontabs? Are you interested in the architecture of system applications in Unix? Then, let’s get started!


Origin of the species

POSIX crontab

Sales hit — Vixie cron 3.0pl1

cron on Debian and Ubuntu

cronie in Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS

cronie in SLES and openSUSE

Design of Vixie cron


Origin of the species

Periodically running user or system programs is a necessity on all operating systems. So, the need for services which allow you to schedule and run periodic tasks centrally is something programmers have recognised for a very long time.

Unix-like operating systems trace their genealogy back to Version 7 Unix, developed in the 1970s at Bell Labs with the involvement of the well-known Ken Thompson. And cron, a service for regularly running tasks (aka cron jobs) by a superuser, was already present on Version 7 Unix.

A typical cron nowadays is by no means a horribly complex program, but the original version’s work algorithm was even simpler: the service woke up once a minute, read the table with the jobs from a single file (/etc/lib/crontab) and executed the programs that had to be run for that minute on behalf of the superuser.

Eventually, improved versions of this useful service came along, together with all Unix-like operating systems.

In 1992 generalised descriptions of the crontab format and basic operating principles of the utility were included in the main standard for Unix-like operating systems — POSIX — and thus cron went from being the de facto standard, to being the de jure standard.

In 1987 Paul Vixie, having canvassed Unix users for suggestions in relation to cron, released another version of the daemon, resolving some problems encountered previously with traditional crons and expanding the syntax of job table files (cron tables, or crontabs).

By the third version, Vixie cron starts to meet the requirements of POSIX. Notably, the program has a very liberal licence: the author provides no warranties, you must not delete the name of the author and nor sell the program without source code. These requirements turned out to be compatible with the principles of free software, becoming popular at that time, so key Linux distributions of the early 1990s adopted Vixie cron as part of their system. They have been developing it further to the present day.

In particular, Red Hat and SUSE have been developing a fork from Vixie cron, namely cronie, while Debian and Ubuntu still consist of the original edition but with lots of patches.

To start off with, we will familiarise ourselves with the user utility crontab, described in POSIX. Next, we will explore the syntax extensions as offered in Vixie cron, and the use of variations of Vixie cron in popular Linux distributions. And, finally, we will look at the design of the cron daemon itself.

POSIX crontab

The original cron always executed jobs as a superuser. But, more often than not, today’s schedulers are dealing with jobs meant to be run as unprivileged users — which is less risky.

Cron is typically delivered as a package consisting of two programs: a daemon and a crontab utility available for users. The latter allows you to edit tables of jobs specific to each user on the system; the daemon runs tasks from all the user tables and the system table.

The POSIX standard does not describe the behaviour of the daemon at all and only formalises the user program, crontab. The existence of mechanisms for running user jobs is, of course, assumed but is not described in detail.

Here are four things you can do using the crontab utility:

crontab -e # edit table of tasks
crontab -l # show table of tasks
crontab -r # delete table of tasks
crontab path/to/file.crontab # load table of jobs from file

When you call crontab -e the editor specified in the standard environment variable, EDITOR, will be used.

The jobs themselves are described in the following form:

# comment lines are ignored
# task to be performed every minute
* * * * * /path/to/exec -a -b -c
# task performed at 10th minute after each hour
10 * * * * /path/to/exec -a -b -c
# task to be performed at the 10th minute of every other hour each day and using standard output stream redirection
10 2 * * * /path/to/exec -a -b -c > /tmp/cron-job-output.log

The first five fields of entries are as follows: minutes [1..60], hours [0..23], days of the month [1..31], months [1..12] and days of the week [0..6] — where 0 is Sunday. The final, sixth field is a line which will be executed using a standard shell.

In the first five fields values may be listed, interspaced with a comma:

# job to be performed at the first and tenth minute of every hour
1,10 * * * * /path/to/exec -a -b -c

or with a hyphen:

# job to be performed at each of the first ten minutes of every hour
0–9 * * * * /path/to/exec -a -b -c

User access to job scheduling is regulated by POSIX through cron.allow and cron.deny files, which list users with access to crontab and users without access to the program, respectively. The standard does not stipulate where these files are to be located.

According to the standard, at least four environment variables need to be sent to programs being run:

  1. HOME — user’s home directory.
  2. LOGNAME — user login.
  3. PATH — path by which you can find the system’s standard utilities.
  4. SHELL — path to the command interpreter used.

It should be noted that POSIX says nothing about where the values for these variables come from.

Sales hit — Vixie cron 3.0pl1

All popular versions of cron derive from Vixie cron 3.0pl1, posted on comp.sources.unix in 1992. We will consider the main capabilities of this version in more detail below.

Vixie cron is delivered as two programs (cron and crontab). As usual, the daemon is responsible for reading and running jobs from the system job table and individual users’ tables of jobs, while the crontab utility edits user tables.

Job tables and configuration files

The superuser (system) cron job table is to be found in /etc/crontab. The syntax of the system table corresponds to the syntax of Vixie cron, modified so that its sixth column specifies the name of the user on whose behalf the job is run:

# Runs every minute on behalf of user vlad
* * * * * vlad /path/to/exec

Users’ cron job table is to be found at var/cron/tabs/username and uses common syntax. When running the crontab utility on behalf of a user, it is these files which are edited.

Lists of users with access to crontab are managed in the /var/cron/allow and /var/cron/deny files; all you need to do is enter the name of the user, on a separate line.

Extended syntax

Compared with POSIX crontab, Paul Vixie’s solution contains several very useful modifications to the syntax of the utility’s job table.

Now it’s possible to specify days of the week or months by their name (Mon, Tue etc.):

# Runs every minute on Mondays and Tuesdays in January
* * * Jan Mon,Tue /path/to/exec

You can also specify the increment with which tasks run:

# Runs with a two minute increment
*/2 * * * Mon,Tue /path/to/exec

Increments and intervals can be combined:

# Runs with an increment of two minutes for the first ten minutes of every hour
0–10/2 * * * * /path/to/exec

And intuitive alternatives to ordinary syntax are supported (reboot, yearly, annually, monthly, weekly, daily, midnight, hourly):

# Runs after system reboot
@reboot /exec/on/reboot
# Runs once a day
@daily /exec/daily
# Runs once an hour
@hourly /exec/daily

Environment in which tasks are performed

Vixie cron allows you to change the environment in which the applications are run.

The environment variables USER, LOGNAME and HOME are not just provided by the daemon, but are taken from the passwd file. The PATH variable is given the “/usr/bin:/bin” value, and SHELL the value “/bin/sh”. The values of all the variables except from LOGNAME can be changed in the users’ tables.

Some environment variables (above all, SHELL and HOME) are used by cron itself to run a job. This is what it might look like if you use bash instead of the standard sh for running user jobs:

# exec will be run by bash in /tmp/
* * * * * /path/to/exec

At the end of the day, all the environment variables defined in the table (either used by cron or necessary for the process) will be sent to the job which has been launched.

When editing the files using the crontab utility, the editor specified in the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variable is used. Should these variables not be defined in the environment in which crontab was launched, then /usr/ucb/vi (ucb denotes University of California, Berkeley) is used.

cron on Debian and Ubuntu

The developers of Debian and derivative distributions use a heavily modified version of Vixie cron 3.0pl1. There is no difference between the syntax of the table files; for users, it is the same Vixie cron. New capabilities: syslog, SELinux and PAM support.

A less obvious but tangible change is where the configuration files and job tables are located.

User tables on Debian are situated in the /var/spool/cron/crontabs directory, while the system table is in the same place, namely in /etc/crontab. Job tables specific to Debian packages are located at /etc/cron.d; this is where the cron daemon automatically reads them from. User access is regulated by the files /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny.

The default shell used remains /bin/sh. A small POSIX-compliant shell, dash, which runs without reading any configuration (in non-interactive mode), acts in this capacity on Debian.

Debian is run via systemd in the most recent versions of cron, while the run configuration may be viewed at /lib/systemd/system/cron.service. There is nothing special about the service configuration, any more finely tuned job management can be performed using environment variables declared directly in each of the users’ crontab.

cronie in RedHat, Fedora and CentOS

cronie is a fork of Vixie cron version 4.1. As is the case on Debian, the syntax is unchanged but support for PAM and SELinux, work in a clustered environment, file tracking using inotify and other capabilities, have been added.

The default configuration is located in the usual places: the system table at /etc/crontab, packages place their tables at /etc/cron.d and user tables fall into /var/spool/cron/crontabs.

The daemon is run under the control of systemd and the service configuration is /lib/systemd/system/crond.service.

When run in RedHat-based distributions the default is to use /bin/sh, which is a standard bash. When running cron jobs via /bin/sh, the bash shell is run in a POSIX-compliant mode and does not read any additional configuration, i.e. it works in a non-interactive mode.

cronie in SLES and openSUSE

The German distribution SLES, and its derivative openSUSE, use the same cronie as RedHat. The daemon here is also run under systemd and the service configuration is at /usr/lib/systemd/system/cron.service. Configuration: /etc/crontab, /etc/cron.d, /var/spool/cron/tabs. The same bash, run in a POSIX-compliant non-interactive mode, acts in the capacity of /bin/sh.

Design of Vixie cron

Today’s descendants of cron have not changed radically from Vixie cron, but they have acquired some new capabilities, although these are not required when it comes to understanding the principles of how the program works. Many of these extensions have been put together carelessly and the code is confusing. The original cron source code as written by Paul Vixie is a delight to read.

For this reason, I have opted to explore the code of cron based on the common ancestor of both branches of cron development, namely Vixie cron 3.0pl1. I will both simplify the examples, removing the ifdefs which make it more complicated to read and omit secondary details.

The work of the daemon can be split into several aspects:

  1. Initialisation of the program
  2. Collecting and updating the list of jobs to be run
  3. Cron’s main loop
  4. Executing a single cron job.

Let’s look at these one at the time.


When it is run, after having verified the process arguments, cron sets up the signal handlers, SIGCHLD and SIGHUP. The former logs an entry to the effect that the work of the child process has been completed; the latter closes the file descriptor of the log file.

signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler);
signal(SIGHUP, sighup_handler);

The cron daemon always works as a superuser and from the main cron directory. The following calls create a lock file with a PID of the daemon, verify that the user is correct and change the current directory to the main one:


The default path, to be used when running subprocesses, is set:

setenv(“PATH”, _PATH_DEFPATH, 1);

The process is then ‘daemonised’: it creates a child copy of the process by calling fork and a new session in the child process (calling setsid). There is no further need for the parent process, so it shuts down:

switch (fork()) {
case -1:
/* critical error and shut down */
case 0:
/* child process */
(void) setsid();
/* parent process shuts down */

The parent process shutting down releases the lock in the lock file. What’s more, the PID in the file needs to be updated with the child one. After this the database of tasks is populated:

/* reacquire пlock */
/* Populate database */
database.head = NULL;
database.tail = NULL;
database.mtime = (time_t) 0;

and cron then moves on to the main work loop. However, first it is worth taking a look at job list loading.

Collecting and updating the job list

The load_database function is responsible for loading the list of jobs. This checks the main system crontab and the directory with user tables. If the files and directory have not changed, the list of jobs will not be re-read. Otherwise, a new job list will be built.

Loading the system file with special file and table names:

/* if the system table file has changed, it will be re-read */
if (syscron_stat.st_mtime) {
process_crontab("root", "*system*",
SYSCRONTAB, &syscron_stat,
&new_db, old_db);

Loading user tables in the cycle:

while (NULL != (dp = readdir(dir))) {
char fname[MAXNAMLEN+1],
/* no need to read files with a dot */
if (dp->d_name[0] == '.')
(void) strcpy(fname, dp->d_name);
sprintf(tabname, CRON_TAB(fname));
process_crontab(fname, fname, tabname,
&statbuf, &new_db, old_db);

Once this has been done the old database will be replaced by a new one.

In the examples above, calling the process_crontab function verifies the existence of a user corresponding to the table file name (unless it is the superuser). Next, load_user is called. The latter reads the file itself line-by-line:

while ((status = load_env(envstr, file)) >= OK) {
switch (status) {
case ERR:
u = NULL;
goto done;
case FALSE:
e = load_entry(file, NULL, pw, envp);
if (e) {
e->next = u->crontab;
u->crontab = e;
case TRUE:
envp = env_set(envp, envstr);

Here either the environment variable is displayed (lines in the form VAR=value) using the load_env / env_set functions, or the task description is read (* * * * * /path/to/exec) using the load_entry functions.

The entry entity, which returns load_entry, is our task — to be placed in the general list of jobs. Lengthy time format parsing is performed within the function itself, but we are more interested in the derivation of environment variables and parameters for running the task:

/* user and group for running the job are taken from passwd*/
e->uid = pw->pw_uid;
e->gid = pw->pw_gid;
/* default shell (/bin/sh), if the user has not specified otherwise */
e->envp = env_copy(envp);
if (!env_get("SHELL", e->envp)) {
sprintf(envstr, "SHELL=%s", _PATH_BSHELL);
e->envp = env_set(e->envp, envstr);
/* home directory */
if (!env_get("HOME", e->envp)) {
sprintf(envstr, "HOME=%s", pw->pw_dir);
e->envp = env_set(e->envp, envstr);
/* path for searching for programs */
if (!env_get("PATH", e->envp)) {
sprintf(envstr, "PATH=%s", _PATH_DEFPATH);
e->envp = env_set(e->envp, envstr);
/* user name always from passwd */
sprintf(envstr, "%s=%s", "LOGNAME", pw->pw_name);
e->envp = env_set(e->envp, envstr);

Main loop

The way the original cron from Version 7 Unix worked was very simple: in the loop it would re-read the configuration, then it would run the current minute’s jobs as a superuser and then it would go to sleep until the start of the next minute. But this simple approach on old machines required too many resources.

An alternative version was offered in SysV whereby the daemon either went to sleep until the next minute when there was a given task set or for a period of 30 minutes. Fewer resources were required for re-reading the configuration and verifying the jobs in this mode, but it became difficult to update the list of jobs quickly.

Vixie cron went back to verifying the lists of jobs once a minute; fortunately, by the end of the 1980s there were far more resources available on standard Unix machines:

/* first-time loading of tasks */
/* run tasks set to be carried out after the system rebooted */
/* make TargetTime the start of the next minute */
while (TRUE) {
/* carry out tasks, then go to sleep until the TargetTime adjusted to take into account the time spent on the tasks */
/* reread configuration */
/* collect tasks for given minute */
/* reset TargetTime to the start of the next minute */
TargetTime += 60;

The function which directly carries out the tasks is cron_sleep, which calls the job_runqueue (sort through and run jobs) and do_command (launch each individual job) functions. It is worth looking at the latter function in some more detail.

Running a job

The do_command function has been implemented in good Unix style: that is to say, for asynchronous job execution it does a fork. The parent process continues running jobs, while the child process is busy preparing the job process:

switch (fork()) {
case -1:
/*could not execute fork */
case 0:
/* child process: just in case let’s try to acquire the main lock again */
/* move on to deriving the job process */
child_process(e, u);
/* once it has completed, the child process shuts down */
/* parent process continues working */

The child_process has quite a lot of logic: it assumes standard output streams and errors, to then resend them to a mailbox (if the table of jobs specifies the environment variable, MAILTO), and, finally, it waits for the main job process to complete.

The job process is derived by yet another fork:

switch (vfork()) {
case -1:
/* in the case of an error shuts down */
case 0:
/* grandchild process derives a new session, terminal etc.
(void) setsid();
* followed by length configuration of process output — omitted for sake of brevity
*//* change of directory, user and user group,
* in other words, no longer a superuser process
chdir(env_get("HOME", e->envp));
/* running the command itself
/* SHELL environment variable specifies run interpreter */
char *shell = env_get("SHELL", e->envp);
/* process launches without sending parent process environment,
* that is to say as described in the table of user jobs */
execle(shell, shell, "-c", e->cmd, (char *)0, e->envp);
/* error — and process has not launched? shuts down */
/* the process itself continues working; we wait for it to shut down and exit */

That, basically, is everything about cron. I have omitted some interesting details, for example, how records of remote users are kept, but the main points should be covered by now.


Сron is a surprisingly simple and useful program, made in the best traditions of the Unix world. It does nothing unnecessary and has been doing its work outstandingly over the course of several decades. It took no more than an hour to familiarise myself with the code of the version delivered along with Ubuntu — and I enjoyed it hugely. I hope you have enjoyed my exploration of it as well

I don’t know about you, but I have found it quite sad to realise that programming today, with its tendency to overcomplicate things and make things overly abstract, has been averse to this sort of simplicity for a long time now.

There are lots of alternatives to cron available today: systemd-timers allows you to organise complicated systems with dependencies, in fcron you can regulate how tasks use resources, but personally I have always found the simplest crontabs to be perfectly sufficient.

In a word, love Unix, write simple programs and don’t forget to read the man pages for your platform!

