Time Travel Debug Everything

DroidconUK 2018 Lightning talk

Zsolt Kocsi
Bumble Tech


A Lightning talk introducing architectural principles of MVICore and demonstrating the generic Time Travel Debugger tool that comes with it.

Abstract of the talk was:

Time travel debugging is awesome!

Remember that obscure bug that QA stumbled across but you could never reproduce?

What if you could record and replay events in the app, to see step-by-step how the data changes and why certain actions are executed?

At Badoo, not only do we have a working time travel debugger for our MVI architecture, but we went one step further: our debugger allows you to record and replay interactions everywhere across your reactive subscriptions. No more QA headaches for us!

Slides are available at: https://speakerdeck.com/zsoltkocsi/time-travel-debug-everything

