A note to Facebook

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2 min readOct 14, 2015

I notice a few of my friends are forced by Facebook to use their names as in official documents and few of their accounts are temporarily suspended pending verification. I do not use my full name on Facebook for the many reasons. One of the primary reasons being identity theft. Also, the concept of surname is alien to Tamils living in India. I do not have a surname; my mother and father’s given names accompany my name. I prefer to go by my given name on social media and other virtual platforms, as that is how everyone knows me in my real life. My schoolmates, my family, my co-workers, my friends and my acquaintances know me as Moulee. I think it is unfair if Facebook ever tries to force me into using a name that I continuously avoid. And this is a note to let those of you in my friends list know that if I disappear from Facebook, it is because I made a choice to not provide any documents to Facebook to verify my identity. I make this choice for the following reasons, but not limited:

  • I do not want to send a copy of my official document to Facebook, as I do not know how the data is stored, processed and handled.
  • Facebook already has enough details about me to verify my authenticity.
  • Facebook cannot decide how I must introduce myself to others.
  • There are many individuals, especially queer individuals who do not use their given names on Facebook. It is not easy for everyone to change their names in official document. And not everyone choose to be out. The reasons are many. The real name policy by Facebook will exclude these individuals from accessing many resources and support, which are not available offline.
  • The real name policy is directly opposite to the gender identity option that Facebook provides. Facebook cannot be selective in its liberal attitude.




Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist. Trainer and Coach. Co-Founder Queer Chennai Chronicles.