Breaking the shell

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3 min readAug 29, 2009

Everyone must have had crush on someone when they were teen, and everyone must have dated someone at the right age. If someone says that they never dated or never had a crush on someone, it is a BIG FAT LIE!!!

I always kept mine a secret. Not because I wanted to hide it, but I really don’t know why I didn’t bother to let know the people around me.

But I always shared my romantic experience to one person(apart from the person i hitched with), we were in constant touch back then through mails(letters, not e — mail). I wrote him every week about my experiences and about my future dating plans.


When you write a letter with so much personal details, one has to be really careful. My friend and me realised it only when his brother accidently opened one of the letter I wrote. Thanks to my crappy handwriting, he did not have patience to put all his effort to read what I wrote.

It was then we both planned to invent a new code language that only we both can understand. We sat down one weekend during my summer vacation and made a personal code language with easy symbols which we can identify with. From then on we communicated through the codes we found. It was exciting. Sometimes we forget the code and have to refer the small reference paper we made. It was fun!!!

I never shared the grey moments of my dating period with my friend. I always kept it with me. I thought he might blame me for what went wrong, so I was afraid when things went wrong. One of the most painful times I had to go through. When I think about it now, I can only laugh. Wish I had shared it with more friends so that we could have had a laugh about it now.

But I started to share the experience with some random friends later, but never went in detail as I shared with my secret code friend.

My college housemate till today tells me to break off the shell I am in and to embrace love!!! But if I tell him now about my romance which I had back then, it would be a big shock to him or he might think I am just making things.

Well, I don’t know if one should tell their friends about the personal moments with their significant other. Since the most romantic and sensational moments between two person belong to them alone, when we share it with others, it is like giving them a key to our bedroom.

Same way we can let others know whom we are dating or going out with, but is it really necessary to let your others know each and every person you date? I really don’t know, but everyone would surely have a best friend with whom we share everything.

So now what am I trying to say!!! I don’t know!!! haha…someone after 3 years called me that I am so unromantic and to break the shell and to breath the love air!!! If I let him know now that I did went through everything what he went through, he would think that I am just defending, so I thought I would just keep it to myself as ever.

So, sweetheart, if you ever stumble upon this post of mine ( I know from time to time you read my posts) I am pretty sure that you will call me names!!!




Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist. Trainer and Coach. Co-Founder Queer Chennai Chronicles.