
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2009

A friends is -

- a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.

- a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter.

- a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile.

These are some of the explanation given for the word Friend in dictionary. Now don’t ask me if i am that stupid to look into a dictionary to know what a friend is. I am just trying to make a start for the blog. :D

So, now it is obvious that I am going to write about friends in this section. Unfortunately I too have some friends :P, if you ask them they will tell that it is unfortunate for them to have me as a friend, I know they hate me but still tolerate me ;).

Like most kids, my first friend was from school. I had different kind of friends during the entire school life. Some were close, some were seasonal, some passed by. But today, I am glad that I am still with the first friends i made in kinder garden 23 years back. We had our part of on and off phase in our friendship.

Friends during teenage, crucial part of the adolescent life. Luckily I found friends of my own interests. We had lots of fun and enjoyed to the fullest. As usual we had our part of downside. Often we tried to over do others, which lead to ego then misunderstanding, but somehow we overcame all those quickly and again started to hangout together.

After school, we all went in different ways, different career interest, different college and different city. College is an entirely new world, a time when one wants to explore and live the life to the fullest. Full of adventure, again I got some of the worlds wonderful friends in these days. We had our own gang, party, fun, fight, love, hate, tears,laughter, betrayal, breakup etc., We experienced different phases in those four years. Each and every phase put us in different position, we learnt different aspect of life in hard way.

This was the time when I was introduced to online relationship. Again here, I found some of the sweetest people. Even though we were not in the same country, we became good friends. We shared our day to day happenings. Online friendship is different from one that we have in real. Here one does not get to see the other person, everything should be conveyed through chat. It is not so easy to sense others mood and how they feel to what you say. One has to be very careful and involved and creative in the way they talk and listen so the person on the other end grasp exactly what you say. I was even lucky to meet some of them in real, but that was really after a long long time. It takes time to build a good friendship online.

Trust is the most important part in every relationship. And in online it is even more important. One has to be really true to the other in order to maintain a real good friendship. It is not really that easy to find someone.

I always treated all my friends equally, let it me real or online, I gave equal importance, I cared truly. So did my friends.

Today we don’t meet or talk often, but I am happy that still today we are in contact, we share our little secrets and happy times or low times. It may not be often, but at least whenever we get time in our busy schedule.

I love you guys, and I will always miss you. I know, I don’t have to name everyone. And you know who they are and whom I am talking about :). Let us have a BIG group HUG!!!




Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist. Trainer and Coach. Co-Founder Queer Chennai Chronicles.