Get inked

Published in
1 min readJan 12, 2020

Him: Is this a tattoo?

Me: Yes.

Him: I want to get one.

Me: Go get.

Him: No I won’t; I can’t donate blood.

Me: huh?

Him: You can’t donate blood if you have tattoos.

Me: Nobody checks.

Him: I know. But you have to disclose.

Me: As a homosexual man you are anyhow banned from donating blood.

Him: Right yes.

Me: So go get one.

He held my hand and looked at the tattoo again, “It’s a semicolon.”


“It means continuation”, he said.

“Yes, life continues no matter what. So go get inked.”




Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist. Trainer and Coach. Co-Founder Queer Chennai Chronicles.