Some true facts!!!

Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2009

The greatest of all sin is to deny basic rights to a person.

Sexual freedoms for LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender) people have been denied for centuries. So, the LGBT community is forced to create underground gathering places for them. Even the heterosexuals will do this if their basic rights are denied. The LGBT community needs proper legal protection and social acceptance for them to come out of closet.

Today they are forced to meet their partners in secrecy and in the fear of being abused. The public and the law also look at them as criminals.

Not many of us understand that homosexuality is a human trait. Same sex love is as normal as heterosexual love. There are many people who argue that homosexuality is against nature. But we should understand that homosexuality exists in every living organism. There is always a percentage of population who were homosexuals, who are and who will be.

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Homosexuality is not a crime that can be stopped by law. Is it possible to stop or criminalize heterosexuality by l aw? Though it is not possible to stop them by law, it is very easy to suppress and abuse them, and this is what our society have done for centuries and is doing till today.

Homosexuality is not a psychological disorder. American psychological society has clearly said this. Also it is not a disease to cure by medicine. Is it possible to cure heterosexuality through medicine? Same way this is their natural trait.

It is a misconception that homosexuality leads to AIDS. AIDS is transmitted sexually or through blood transfusion. One gets AIDS only when he/she have physical intercourse with a person who is affected by AIDS, be it is homosexual intercourse or heterosexual intercourse. That is the reason why they changed the name of GRID(Gay related immune deficiency) to AIDS.

There is also a very wrong misconception that homosexuals will influence their friends and relatives into homosexuality. Homosexual man/woman can maintain a strong friendship with a heterosexual man/woman in the same way how a heterosexual man has a friendship with a heterosexual woman or vice-versa.

Also the kids brought up by homosexual couples do not become homosexuals. The society slowly understands that homosexual parents can be a good parents.

Some people argue that if homosexuality is legalized, it would spread out. We should understand that homosexuality is not an infectious disease that spreads. It is a human trait. A person who is left handed does not spread his habit to others.

There are many homosexuals in India who are forced to marry opposite sex and are forced to live a double life. This not only affects the person who is forced but also his/her spouse whom he/she married. We should understand that it is not possible for a homosexual person to marry and live with a person of opposite sex.

It is not possible to stop or change homosexuality. So we should ask our self if we should still discriminate homosexuals.

In a male dominant society gays are looked down. Lesbians are looked as objects of lust. It is common to see a man asking for lesbian sex videos in a video store, when someone asks male sex videos they are looked down and I wonder even if they have one available in India.

It is not true that homosexuals are impotent. Alexander the great was a homosexual. He was in love with his friend Hephaestion. Homosexuality was not looked down in ancient Greek society. There were many Romans who had same sex lovers.

In ancient India the LGBT communities were largely accepted. In vatsyayana Kamasutra, Vastyayana have explained homosexual techniques. In kamasutra, lesbians are known as ‘Swarini’. Naradha Smithiri prohibited gays to marry a woman. But homosexuality itself was not banned. In Mahabaratham, Krishnan and Aravan married and there are temples at Koovagam and Singanallur temple at coimbatore which explains this. This clearly shows that ancient India did not discriminate homosexuals. They were not suppressed; they were treate

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d with dignity and respect. The constant change in the culture and the way of living changed their stand in the society.

It is a pity that they are shunned in the 21st century. Are we so narrow minded compared to our forefathers? We should also understand that homosexuality is not a choice. It is how God created them. Due to the attitude of our society, every homosexual person goes through a very hard time when they find out their sexuality. This also affects them in many aspects and some are even forced to commit suicide.

It is a good move by the Delhi High court which decriminalized homosexuality. There are mixed reaction to this verdict. There are certain religious groups that welcomed this move and some who oppose this. We should understand that a person should not be criminalized for what he is given by nature. It is necessary for everyone in this country to understand them and embrace them and support them whole heartedly.

Proper public awareness should be brought among the public about homosexuality and should erase the misconception about homosexuality.

Homosexuals are not someone who came from different planet. They are one among us. If we don’t support our own brother, sister, son, daughter, friend etc. Who is going to support them? Let us not stereotype people based on their private sexual life. They are one among us. They need our support and we should make them feel that they belong to this society.




Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist. Trainer and Coach. Co-Founder Queer Chennai Chronicles.