The curse of a small town

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2 min readApr 2, 2010

Living in a small town is good in many ways, at the same time it can drive you crazy. Especially if you are a shopaholic whose expectations are greater than the small town. Another great curse of living in a small town is, everyone knows everybody. Before you reach home, your mom’s friend’s cousin’s aunt would have called her niece and told her that, she met you at the so-so place. And the cousin would call her cousin and tell her that, her aunt had seen you at the so-so place and your mom’s friend would call your mom and tell it to her casually when they talk about something totally unrelated.

Pondicherry, now Puducherry, is neither a city nor a small town. It’s something in-between. You have all the offices, banks, schools, market etc within 5 minute walk from your house. But when it comes to shopping no mater how much you go around the city you will only come across the same item again and again. Even if you find the latest item in some random store, you won’t have a choice. Because there won’t be more than two colours to choose from.

When every other state has its own television to cover the happenings, this above the town below the city place has no luck. The happenings are not covered by any other national television too. You have to rely on the local cable channel to keep yourself updated about the local news. And half the TV screen will be occupied with the advertisement of the beauty saloon at the corner of your street that claims to provide world class beauty solution.

You would attended the same school where your entire family studied and where your descendants would probably study. If you are really unlucky, your science teacher would be your uncle’s classmate who might have had a rift with him during their school days and take his revenge on you.

If you had lost contact with any of your school mate, just go to the beach on a weekend and stand on the middle of the beach road, you will bump into the lost person within 30 minutes. Don’t worry the beach road is closed during weekend, so no vehicle will hit you.

Last but not the least, you and your friends would spend hours discussing about the weekend trip. But you would be going to the same old bar near the beach to spend the weekend!




Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist. Trainer and Coach. Co-Founder Queer Chennai Chronicles.