Those We Don’t Speak Of

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2 min readOct 1, 2009

“Those We Don’t Speak Of” — The mysterious monsters that haunts the residents of the fictional village in the movie The Village. At the end it is revealed that it was self created rumor by the residents to keep them self away from the modern city life or what they thought was evil.

It is a nice movie, I enjoyed watching it. But is it really possible to isolate oneself from the world and live? I do not know. But we do have that “Those We Don’t Speak Of” in our day to day life. They are not the evil or the villain in our life, but they are normal people who did no harm to others or even us. Just people who are little different than the so called normal population

We speak a lot of rapists, terrorists, murderers etc., in fact the residents of The village kept them self away from these people. But we very well speak about these people, we are not ashamed to talk about these people. But we deny to speak of people who are them self who do not do any harm to others.

One does not need to be broad minded, free spirited, outgoing to understand others. All we need is a little common sense and to think of our own instead of following what others say. How many times have we denied the existence of people who are with us. Some times we even deny the existence of our self to sync into the world which firmly denies to acknowledge the existence of us.

So, should we try to create our own little village to live our lives? well, we already do that, we form our own little community, invisible community and enjoy our existence. But again we start to deny our self when we come out of our invisible world.

Sometimes we even justify our facts by saying that we are adjusting with the so called majority or the society. But then again aren’t we the part of the same so called majority or the society in one way or the other? The society is incomplete without us.

Humans can very easily adapt to any changes. But again this is limited, we adapt only if we want it, we do not even consider adapting for people who are around us. It is not necessary to adapt, but at least we do not have to deny their existence. We even succeed in making others believe in their own non existence.

Not everyone have the same point of view or outlook towards others, but denying others opinion in the name of so called culture and society or religion in unacceptable. Hatred or ignorance or going along with the society is never an opinion.




Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist. Trainer and Coach. Co-Founder Queer Chennai Chronicles.