
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2010

This post has been published by me as a team member of Indiana Legends for the SUPER 6 round of Bloggers Premier League (BPL) — The first ever unique, elite team blogging event in the history of blogging world. To catch the BPL action and also be part of future editions and other contests, visit and register at Cafe GingerChai.

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Wolfgang — — A humane non-human love story

(Wolfgang — Meaning “wolf path” or a wolf with a distinguished path.

In German “advancing wolf.”)


Otsana was weak and tired as she left home early to find food for her pups. She was well built with a strong body and had silky grey fur, a lone she-wolf who lived for her pups in the memory of her lover, Alf. She left her pack when he was killed.

Alf was a reformer, a man of noble thoughts. He wanted to change the way the wolves preyed. Alf respected all forms of lives and wanted his forest animals to live in peace and harmony. He strongly believed in his ways and fed only on carrion and wild berries. Other wolves in his pack called him a coward and insane, but he always stuck to his principles.

He also tried to convince his pack, “Stop preying, we can find other ways.”

“We are wolves, and wolves hunt,” growled the wise old one.

“Only a mother knows her pups hunger and preying for hunger is not a sin,” howled a she-wolf.

“You stay away Alf,” roared the big bad wolf.

On the other hand Otsana was gifted with extraordinary hunting skills, she was also considered to be the next in line to become the alpha female of the pack. Though she loved Alf, she was not really into his ideology. She truly believed in the way the wolves lived.

Soon, the pack saw Alf as a threat and planned to eliminate him and they succeeded. Otsana fought bitterly to save her lover’s life but in vain. Otsana, who loved Alf very much was devastated. She was unable to bear that her own kin and kith killed her lover. Alf’s death made her think deeply on his ideology. She started to love him more for he was a man who gave up his life for what he believed. She felt the pain of losing someone close. Otsana decided to live in a way that Alf wanted to live. She left the pack for her own safety and for the safety of the pups in her.

She tried to avoid preying on animals as much as she could. She fed on carrion and in rare occasions she preyed animals in death bed to keep her pups alive. Today she did not find any carcass nor wild berries. She was hungry, and walking against the wind made her more weak and tired. But her will to save her pups kept her going in search of food. Otsana felt like she was deceived by her own path which she chose, but she kept reminding herself that her lover died for a cause and she left the pack for the same cause. She wanted to live and die by the principle taught to her by the man she loved. She wanted to bring up his pups in the same way he wanted to live, she saw her pups as a start to Alf’s thoughts.

Otsana stopped as she smelled a hind. She was distressed, it was healthy and full of life. She thought of walking away, but decided to prey for her pups. She moved slowly and pounced on the hind and nipped her. The hind was unable to move from the grip of Otsana.

“What are you doing here?” Otsana turned towards the direction the voice came from and there stood Alf. He smiled at her.

“It is a beautiful night, the moon always amazes me” said Alf “It seems so close yet out of our reach.”

“Like your principles.” replied Otsana with her soft strong voice. Alf starred at her, those simple words stuck him hard.

“We cannot change our way of living Alf, we are wolves and this is our life. We have certain rules to live by, if we don’t, we won’t survive.”

“What about us Otsana? You would be the next alpha female of the pack, and me? I would never be the alpha male…”

“But I love you Alf! I don’t care if you are the alpha male or not…”

Alf interrupted, “What about the wolves lifestyle Otsana? An alpha female can be only with an alpha male.”

Otsana remained silent, Alf continued, “We cannot live a life with a rule written in the past Otsana, when we can find a path that could lead us to an advanced civilized way of living, why should we not try to embrace it?”

“But Alf, do you realize that no one supports your idea…it’s only you…”

“And you…and you Otsana? Won’t you support me? I know you are a great hunter, but giving someone their life back makes you so contented than taking it away.”

Otsana looked at Alf, before she could realize three of her pack members pounced on Alf from nowhere and grounded him…

Memories rushed through her mind, those last few minutes, before she could realize everything was over. The man she loved was killed in front of her eyes…

Otsana loosened her grip and jumped into the nearby bush as the hind got back on her foot and ran. Otsana continued to walk along her path, more weak and tired than ever in search of food for her pups.

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Otsana — Basque name, meaning “she-wolf.”
Alf — German name, meaning “noble-wolf.”

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategist. Trainer and Coach. Co-Founder Queer Chennai Chronicles.