0721: July 21 Recap - LPP Launch and moving into phase 2 development

Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2021

We’ve been hard at work! As we push toward our goal of getting your crypto protected, July was our biggest milestone by far with the launch of our Liquidity Provision Program. The program rewards early supporters, creating awareness and distributing tokens to our community.

Here are some of the highlights of what happened during July.

Funding & Partnership Developments

  • Bumper successfully launched Phase 1 of its liquidity program on July 14th, attracting over $8m in four hours and currently sitting just shy of $12m. At the time this propelled Bumper into the Top 10 DeFi Derivatives. This caused the token price price to jump 15%.
  • As Bumper refines the protocol specifications, a number of world leading consultants were onboarded to conduct continuous economic performance monitoring, incentive effectiveness, fast-feedback parameter tuning and defining criteria for accepting assets to be “Bumpered”.
  • Professors Nihad Aliyev and Talis Putnins have commenced Agent Based Modelling to refine parameter settings prior to launch, in addition to Bumper considering state-space/vector field approach and learning algorithm approaches.

Technical Developments

  • Bumper smart contracts were audited by Blockhunters and received a glowing appraisal. Read the Audit
  • The smart contracts for the Liquidity Provision Program were deployed on July 14 with great success.
  • The Bumper team entered a Design and Scoping phase as a prelude to the main smart contract build, which will be deployed later in the year.

Community & Marketing

  • The launch of the liquidity program saw us gain a lot of coverage across crypto and finance media outlets. Articles of note are CoinMarketCap , Coinpedia, and DefiNews.
  • We were stoked to feature in The Defiant’s Tuesday Tutorial where they ran through the LP Program.
  • In July we saw our community grow nearly 60% as word spread about Bumper. We ran our first community Meme competition and also our first Bumper team AMA where the team answered questions about the protocol and the LP Program.

Job Opportunities

  • We’re bolstering our internal development team! We’re currently interviewing for one Senior Front End and one Senior Solidity Engineer, or if you’re a seasoned system’s programmer interested in Ethereum, our CTO would like to hear from you. You can send your details via our Community Enquiry form. Or reply to this email with your CV and what you’re interested in.

What’s Next?

August sees us pressing on with the design and scoping of the main smart contract build and moving into development.

We’re also powering up our community engagement and communications; an engaged community will mean a better protocol for everyone come launch and beyond.

Here’s what we’re thinking for starters:

  • More frequent - fortnightly - updates on progress
  • Polls and more community input
  • Regular “Office Hours “— direct access to the team to ask questions
  • Ambassador/Incentive program

As always, we’re keen to hear any suggestions about the protocol and how we can create a better product for you. Just reply, or contact the team on Telegram.

Stay Connected to the Bumper Project:

Join our Telegram — https://t.me/bumperfinance
Follow us on Twitter — https://www.twitter.com/bumperfinance
Join our Discord — https://discord.gg/YyzRws4Ujd
Visit our Website — https://bumper.fi



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Bumper protects the value of your crypto using a radically innovative DeFi protocol.