Bumper: Sitrep #005

Published in
6 min readOct 22, 2021

Well, what a Bumper fortnight! The first week we were building, testing and preparing the platform for Pre-Sale. The second week was all about spreading the word about Pre-Sale and seeing supporters, new and old, buy the token and see our community of Sentinels grow.

Standby for Sitrep.

Pre-Sale Completed

At 12pm UTC on October 21 the Pre-Sale officially closed and you can no longer purchase BUMP tokens.

We’re happy to report that Pre-Sale raised a total of $3,750,256.


High five to all of the team and partners that toiled endlessly, and especially to the community for believing in us… *tears*. We’d also like to thank the Academy… well, you get the picture. The response has been great and together we’re all bringing this radically innovative protocol to life!

The next opportunity to scarf up some more BUMP tokens will be during Public Sale in November.

Tech Update

It’s all happening right now. We’re in full swing with protocol build now that the major LP works are behind us:

  • We’ve mapped out all of the major smart contract modules and how they connect to one another. This is a working model for us as we dive into some implementation details which might surface some potential changes to the smart contract architecture. In general, our key requirements for the contracts are: (i) gas efficiency, (ii) flexibility, and (iii) developer comprehension; we’ve got to make sure things are easy for future devs to pick up the baton and propose some cool stuff.
  • Currently working on how prices are read into the protocol, both in terms of a fixed time sample rate and a fixed price difference sample rate, and how that triggers internal state updates.
  • Looking at bringing forward our L2 strategy after renewed gas concerns. It was brutal for all of us and if you’re thinking what a load of bollocks the low gas fees EIP-1559 promised, then you’re not alone!
  • We’re also about half-way through a full rebuild of the protocol simulation in Python in collaboration with our partners in Switzerland (Swiss Centre for Cryptoeconomics).

Check out the Docsite too as we’ve made it public with some initial introductory information. It’s not extensive at this stage but it’s been on our backlog for too long and the community was asking so we expedited it and got some things up quickly. Once we start releasing more technical information we’ll propagate the Docs site more extensively so all the nerds can get off on it.

Epoch #01: Earn USDC and BUMP with your deposit.

Our upgraded farming program went live on October 14, giving you the opportunity to earn both USDC and BUMP from your deposit. Cool, huh? Rewards will be earned on any deposit that remains in the protocol for the full 2 week epoch. Although you can withdraw any time, this does mean that you’ll need to keep your deposit in from before the start of the epoch until after the end of an epoch to earn anything. Commitment = rewards.

If you joined the community as an LP and left your USDC in the protocol after the LPP closed you’ll now automatically be getting not only BUMP rewards but also USDC returns.

Those LPs who deposited during our Liquidity Provision Program are also the only supporters eligible to earn in the first epoch. If you withdrew without realising then just put it back in by October 28 at 12pm UTC and join Epoch #02!

There’s more detail on our website, but in summary:

  • Deposit USDC into the protocol
  • Keep your deposit in the protocol for a full epoch (2 weeks)
  • Earn rewards on the minimum amount left in during the epoch
  • Receive rewards in USDC — based on the Yearn Vault APY
  • Receive a share of 137,000 BUMP tokens, each epoch
  • The next epoch starts 28 October at 12pm UTC

Find out more: https://www.bumper.fi/earn

Pre-Sale Giveaway now closed

The end of the Pre-Sale also marked the end of the Giveaway. We’ve seen gnarly results from the giveaway with the word about Bumper being spread far and wide across all types of platforms. The lucky 60+ winners will be contacted within the next week to collect further details so they can receive their prize.

Special shout out to one lucky winner who was the closest to our closing deposit figure of $25,530,552 with a guess of $25,760,000. Pretty close. We’ll be in touch with you next week too.

International Communities are coming!

As the Bumper community has crossed over the 20,000 members milestone this week, we’ll be launching community backed international groups soon! These communities will be spearheaded by Bumper Ambassadors that will help take the Bumper communities to different regions in the world!

If you think you’re a Top Gun, the best of the best, and you have the metal to join the Bumper Ambassador Program and expand Bumper’s reach to the public by growing a robust community, then the Ambassador program is still open for new applicants. For more info, go here.

Apart from that, if you’re flush with 1000 BUMP tokens and you still haven’t joined the exclusive Sky Lounge community then you’re definitely missing out on the party!

For those of you that currently have vesting schedules and did not receive their BUMP tokens yet, we didn’t forget you for being our early supporters! We’ll be airdropping you a special Bumper Sky Lounge Pass NFT to your wallets soon and that’ll give you access to the Sky Lounge, at least until we get the vesting contract sorted!

Office Hours

Check out our Office Hours community call from yesterday where we gave an update on the protocol and addressed:

  • Gas Fees, and some possible solutions
  • Earning through farming
  • Tech updates
  • Future roadmap
  • ETH or BTC if bought in 2015
  • Jason’s puffer jacket homage to Back to the Future Day

Watch the latest Office Hours here:

Bumper Office Hours: Live Update from the Team 20/10/21

Press / News / Events 📅

Bumper Pre-Sale Ended — Oct 21th 12pm UTC

Next Earning Epoch starts — Oct 28, 12pm UTC

The Next Bumper Office Hours Update will be live on Youtube November 4 at 10am

[Article] How Bumper’s Price Protection Helps DeFi Users Earn Yield on Their Assets - https://cryptobriefing.com/how-bumpers-price-protection-helps-defi-users-earn-yield-on-their-assets/

[Press] CoinTelegraph — Bumper’s pre-sale now live, god-mode price protection for crypto coming soonhttps://cointelegraph.com/press-releases/bumpers-pre-sale-now-live-price-protection-for-crypto-coming-soon

[Press] IBTimes — How Bumper’s Tech Protocol Will Quell Volatility Anxiety: https://www.ibtimes.com/how-bumpers-tech-protocol-will-quell-volatility-anxiety-3321242

[YouTube] Roundtable with Jillian Godsil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHhJhnG2_jo

[YouTube] AltCoin Daily Feature: https://youtu.be/2PohqFEpdOI

[YouTube] DataDash Feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlkS5iIJgP4&t=720s

About Bumper

Bumper protects the value of your crypto using a radically innovative DeFi protocol. Set the price you want to protect and if the market crashes, your asset will never fall below that price. Importantly, if the market pumps, your asset rises too.

Stay Connected to the Bumper Project:

Join our Telegram — https://t.me/bumperfinance
Follow us on Twitter — https://www.twitter.com/bumperfinance
Join our Discord — https://discord.gg/YyzRws4Ujd
Visit our Website — https://bumper.fi



Editor for

Bumper protects the value of your crypto using a radically innovative DeFi protocol.