Bumper: Sitrep #006

Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2021

With the Pre-Sale behind us and the exciting Epochs starting, the team has been thrilled about the upcoming phase of Bumper. We’re working towards the public sale and IDO now with a lot of updates on the technical and community side. Check out our latest Sitrep for all your juicy Bumper news!

Technical Update

  • The Bumper team has been working towards completing the vesting contract and adding the functionality to the dApp which will allow our early investors to claim their vested BUMP Tokens. The team has also completed the UI for that so not far off.
  • We are in the process of completing a special AirDrop contract that would allow the operations team to bulk transfer the rewards to our farmers who have participated in the fortnightly Epochs. This was a late decision made this week to help with gas costs and efficiency but we think it’ll be worth it.
  • We are going through an intense process in finalizing our technical architecture for the implementation of the protocol and the modules that we’d identified. We’re finding some good insights and we’re working hard towards developing a robust infrastructure that will allow us to lay a solid foundation for the features to be released in the future.
  • The partners from SwissEconomics have made good progress on the agent-based modeling and are optimizing it further to make it execute faster. We had to upgrade some systems to manage the simulations we required and we’re looking to move from cadCad as it isn’t quite fit for purpose.

In addition, we’ve started to align our thoughts on events that are going to happen pretty soon. Brace yourself, as the pace is picking up and you do not want to miss the BUMPER train!

The Bumper International Communities

As the Bumper community has welcomed thousands of new supporters these past few weeks, we’ll be launching community-backed international groups soon! These communities will be spearheaded by Bumper Ambassadors that will help take the Bumper communities to different regions in the world!

If you think you’re a Top Gun, the best of the best, or simply as ripped as Slider, then enlist for the Bumper Ambassador Program. The mission… to expand Bumper’s reach to the public by growing a robust community. The Ambassador program is still open for new applicants. For more info, go here.

Apart from that, if you’re loaded with 1000 BUMP tokens and you still haven’t joined the exclusive Sky Lounge community then you need to get to the party! Martinis have been on the house!

For those of you that currently have vesting schedules and did not receive their BUMP tokens yet, we didn’t forget you for being our early supporters! We’ll be airdropping you a special Bumper Sky Lounge Pass NFT to your wallets soon and that’ll give you access to the Sky Lounge, at least until we get the vesting contract sorted!

Office Hours

Check out our Office Hours community call from today where we gave an update on the protocol and addressed:

  • Tech updates and future roadmap
  • International Communities
  • Sam’s Parenthood
  • Upcoming Public Sale
  • DEX Listings

Watch the latest Office Hours here

Bumper Office Hours: Live Update from the Team 04/11/21

Press / News / Events

Bumper Raises $3.75million in Week-Long Token Presale; God-Mode Price Protection Is on Its Way!


About Bumper

Bumper protects the value of your crypto using a radically innovative DeFi protocol. Set the price you want to protect and if the market crashes, your asset will never fall below that price. Importantly, if the market pumps, your asset rises too.

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Join our Discord — https://discord.gg/YyzRws4Ujd
Visit our Website — https://bumper.fi



Editor for

Bumper protects the value of your crypto using a radically innovative DeFi protocol.