Introducing the Bumper Protocol Roadmap

Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2021

With the upcoming conclusion of Bumper’s token rewards programs, it’s a good time to bring attention to the road ahead.

The roadmap provides a snapshot of our current set of features, enhancements and integrations that we’ve planned. Each item is categorised, numbered, named and scheduled according to its functionality and dependence on other items. Hopefully it provides everyone with a firm sense of the scale and scope of what we have in store for Bumper. Comments or suggestions? As always, definitely let us know. As we progress, it’ll be updated with alternative views (like a time-line view), greater detail for each item, and links straight to the code.

We’ve also taken the liberty of loosely continuing our 80s theme (with a faint Aussie flavour) and given some of the roadmap items their own name, often being reminiscent of the underlying functionality. Sometimes they may be a little obscure but you’ll like it when you get it!

Navigation System: Online

When we originally sat down to pull our roadmap together, we started by doing a full stocktake of information from a number of disparate internal sources. As it came together, it became apparent the natural groupings that would best suit the modularity to which we should build the protocol, and this has served us quite well in ensuring everyone shares a common vision for the future. We actually hook up new teammates to the system as part of our onboarding process with the following command:

./ — warpsync <name>.human roadmap.master

The roadmap, and the whole of the Bumper Team’s work, is now organised under the following tracks:


This track captures the project’s increasing decentralisation on technical, economic and governance decision-making, including the establishment of propose-review-approve processes, representative voting, and community discussion forums.


The umbrella for features that are deployed to the protocol. Captures the iterations and subfeatures for Taking, Making and Staking, as well as the implementation of new protected assets and stablecoins.


This track collects the various on- and off-chain integrations that will enhance and support the protocol. There will be numerous integrations with other protocols, blockchains, and Web3 tooling that will be necessary to maintain Bumper’s relevance, well into the future.


Umbrella for lower-level implementation aspects to deliver and enhance the protocol over time, as distinct from the implementation of visible protocol features.


The Economic track captures the anticipated forward work to support the design, implementation and communication of many related items in the roadmap. It covers elements such as the economic analysis work to inform the addition of protected assets into the protocol’s markets, and ongoing parameter optimisation to tune premiums, yields and fees.

As we progress, roadmap items will be grouped together into Releases when they are deployed as protocol upgrades. And of course we’ll have the typical software engineering hoo-ha of version numbering, major and minor releases, and release notes on our Docs site.

Can I dream? Yes honey, I think we both can.

As ever, our “roadmap” is not set in stone; it’s a snapshot at a point in time, and is dynamic with the changing technology landscape, regulatory developments and community input. Everything is subject to reprioritisation or change. Yeah, you get it.

Oh! One more thing… those looking closely may also notice some dependencies, both within a category and between them. For example, developing the supported asset whitelist has both an economic and a technical implementation component. So, next month, we hope to take this aspect one step further and represent these dependencies visually in the form of a tech-tree…. yes, it’s nerdy, but then again you’re reading this so you probably are too.

View the Roadmap

About Bumper

Bumper protects the value of your crypto using a radically innovative DeFi protocol. Set the price you want to protect and if the market crashes, your asset will never fall below that price. Importantly, if the market pumps, your asset rises too.

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Bumper protects the value of your crypto using a radically innovative DeFi protocol.