Publish Bumpers Series to iTunes

Ian Ownbey
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2017

Create serialized content and share to iTunes and Google Play with Series

Recording, editing, and sharing audio has never been easier than it is on Bumpers. We’ve seen people use Bumpers to create hilarious one-off episodes either alone or with friends, in cars and trains and at parties and on the street. But a lot of users have been using the platform to create episodes around a theme, much like a traditional podcast series. They also want to publish their series where they are already consuming audio: iTunes and Google Play. Until now, there’s been no official way on the app to do this.

Today we are launching series, making it easier for you to publish and consume on Bumpers. Anyone can now create a series, which is a collection episodes (created by them or others). These series get an RSS feed which you can submit to iTunes or Google Play.

After you submit the series, each new episode will be pushed to iTunes automatically. Your episodes will be pushed to your subscribers every 12 hours (or whenever the podcast client updates) alongside their other favorite podcasts.

With series, people can also start collecting their favorite Bumpers, or collaborate on a common series together. We’re excited to see different voices and combinations of creators coming together to make series. We started playing with this concept with From Los Angeles With Love, a collection of episodes from LA-based creators all centered around the common theme of their city.

How to create your own series

First you need to name your series, add an image, and create a custom vanity URL for easy sharing. Then, add existing episodes to your series. As you create episodes in the future, you can assign them to a series when you publish. You can also give other users permission to add and remove episodes from the series, turning it into a collaborative effort.

Rather than hacking around this by naming your episodes “Series Name: Episode Name” and having them live among other episodes on your profile, each series will be its own branded unit, making it easy to share on Twitter and Facebook. Your series will be featured more prominently and will be easier to find on your profile page.

Whether you’re a creator, listener, or both, series makes it easier to create, share, and consume amazing content, helping you find episodes you want to listen to every time you open Bumpers.

