Our Tech Ecosystem

Technology we love to use

Albert O'Connor
Bungalow Garage
Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2019


Every development team has its own ecosystem of tools and and practices, which itself is always evolving. This is your guide the high-level pieces of our ecosystem and resources you can explore to learn more about them.

If you find additional or better resources for learning about these technologies from your perspective let us know and we will add them to this article.

In addition to the tech outlined here, we use Slack for most communication, JIRA for tickets and sprint planning, and a shared password management solution for shared secrets.

Git + Github

Distributed source control and code review.

We use CI with Github to build our images and run tests against them. Currently it is Travis CI.

Basic Resources:

Intermediate Resources:

Docker + docker-compose

Generally we use Docker to work on and deploy our projects.

https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/ uses a native virtualization layer on Mac OS X to provide a relatively high quality docker experience.

The key docker-compose commands are:

  • docker-compose up -d starts all your containers for you and runs them in the background so you don’t see the output.
  • docker-compose down stops everything including the virtual network
  • docker-compose build rebuilds your images and should install updated dependencies

Read Daily Django with Docker for some Django specific tips and general information on how to run commands in your containers.


Each to their own, we have people who use vim, vscode, pycharm, etc. Sublime 3 or Atom is likely a good default option if you don’t have a strong preference already. Pick what feels good and spend time learning how to use it. Make a cheat sheet of shortcuts. Look through popular extensions (syntax highlighting, refactoring, UI) to determine what can help your workflow but be wary of adding distractions.

The key thing is to be able to configure your editor to lint your code either in real time or on save. Doing this will save you a huge amount of time.



We are using Python 3.7+ with some Python 3.6, not Python 2.7.x.

Initially your laptop will likely have python mapped to Python 2.7. When you create a docker container to run our Python code it will be running the right version.

https://docs.python-guide.org/ — Provides some sound advice on setting up your laptop including making new version available by default. Since we install dependencies into a Docker container, being able to run pip and virtualenv locally isn’t as important but is useful to learn how if you like. Sometimes it is needed to get linting to work in your editor of choice.

https://docs.python-guide.org/writing/style/ — Covers many style choices we would encourage.

Django + Django Rest Framework

We build web services which are both exposed as web based APIs and more traditional web apps in Django. For the API pieces we are using Django Rest Framework which is built on Django.



Javascript ES6



The web frontend is built on VueJS (version 2), using VueX for state management.

Bungalow customised UI components are based on our brand guidelines and built using the Vuetify material design framework.

We use SASS as our CSS pre-processor and Prettier to format our codebase.


[Vue] Best Practices for VueJS Components

[Vuetify] Spacing Classes for Padding and Margin

[Vuetify] Grid Helper Classes for CSS Grid

[CSS Tricks] Flexbox Overview

[CSS Tricks] CSS Grid Overview

[CSS Tricks] CSS Specificity


React Native


Error tracking with Instabug, and Sentry


We use Sentry for error tracking across our different services, be it unexpected error or exceptions we have caught and want to report on. We also use slack to track what is happening inside our system and to track deployment.


Our data warehouse is Amazon Redshift, which is a column based fork of Postgres. ETL / Backend is generally in Python. Visuals and analysis use Periscope.


We use Amazon Code Pipeline with ECS and Fargate for deployment.

There are many possible directions to head in, this is meant to provide a map so you can find your bearings but not tell you where to go. From here you can choose your own adventure.

Talk to you peers and mentors and don’t forget to ask questions in public channels on slack. We all want to learn from the questions you have.



Albert O'Connor
Albert O'Connor

Written by Albert O'Connor

Backend Developer Lead at Bungalow

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