bunq API update: New callback endpoints

bunq Developers’ Corner
2 min readSep 18, 2019

No matter how you call or google it: realtime, push, reverse API, or webhooks; we have it, and we call them callbacks. 🙌

Since early 2017, you have been able to build hooks for virtually any event happening on a bunq account using the notification_filter arrays from the following objects:

  • UserCompany
  • UserPerson
  • MonetaryAccountBank
  • MonetaryAccountJoint
  • MonetaryAccountSavings

As announced earlier in Changelog and via our API newsletter, we are deprecating this way of working with callbacks and are introducing new, separate endpoints for managing notification filters (aka webhooks or callbacks).

Just as before, you can subscribe a bunq user to account and monetary account level events, and receive the event notifications as either (1) a request sent to your server or (2) a push notification on the bunq user’s mobile phone. This time, you can use separate endpoints for each purpose.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s new. 🤓

Sending notifications to a user’s account 📱💬

You can manage subscriptions to both user and monetary account events sent to a bunq user as a push notification using the /user/{userID}/notification-filter-push endpoint.

Sending webhooks to a callback URL 🌐🔗

You can work with event notifications from the user or monetary account and have the callbacks sent to the URL of your choice using these endpoints:

Callback security

To ensure the security of bunq callbacks, only receive callbacks sent from our IP address ( and use certificate pinning to tell us to only send callbacks to websites with the SSL certificate you pinned.

Using callbacks with OAuth

The bunq API supports — and we encourage — the use of callbacks with OAuth. Both the OAuth setup and callbacks are covered in our SDKs.

Stay up to date with our API news and releases by subscribing to our API newsletter. ❤

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P.S. Don’t hesitate to submit developer tools too ;)

