bunq API update: Now you can integrate even faster and easier with the bunq sandbox

bunq Developers’ Corner
2 min readDec 19, 2019

Amazing news! From now on, you can build MVP apps with the bunq API 2x faster! ⚡⚡ We’ve simplified request signing in the sandbox environment and complemented the bunq Postman collection with more common API requests so you could save time on designing your superstar app.

Let’s look at how it works and how you can use it in detail.

Welcome, control over request signature validation 👋

Signing is now only required for opening sessions and making payments. 🙌We have thus removed the option to disable signing. Visit our Changelog for more information.

You can choose to disable request signing to save time when playing in the bunq sandbox. Just set the X-Bunq-Client-Signature header to IGNORE_ONLY_FOR_TESTING. This setting works with any sandbox API call.

When ready to go production, remove the setting from the header, implement the signing mechanism, test it, and change the base URL to https://api.bunq.com.

Better, extended Postman collection

Our Postman collection has grown with 13 new API requests that our community likes to use. If you look through it carefully, you’ll notice one of them is absolutely new and green. 😉💚

Disabling request signature validation in Postman

You can tell us to stop validating the signatures of your requests by configuring the X-Bunq-Client-Signature-Validation-Policy header in the Headers tab of the API request.

You don’t need to disable the X-Bunq-Client-Signature header. Using X-Bunq-Client-Signature-Validation-Policy will override the signature script added to API calls from our Postman collection.

Let us know how the updates worked for you!

Looking for an easy way to start with the bunq API? Use our Postman collection! These instructions will help you get going.

Prefer working in the terminal? 💻 Start by just running a single command!

Choose your language:

$ bash <(curl -s https://tinker.bunq.com/php/setup.sh)

$ bash <(curl -s https://tinker.bunq.com/python/setup.sh)

$ bash <(curl -s https://tinker.bunq.com/java/setup.sh)

$ bash <(curl -s https://tinker.bunq.com/csharp/setup.sh)

