bunq API update: OAuth callback, Slice groups, Postman collection update

bunq Developers’ Corner
2 min readJun 24, 2020

We’re excited to share that from now on you can use the bunq API to automate splitting the costs and stay on top of your app usage. You can easily test OAuth and working with attachments too!

Let’s take a closer look at what’s new and what you can do with it.

Automate going Dutch with Slice groups

Slice groups are now in the bunq API so you can automate splitting the bills your way! You can go beyond automatically logging card payments to the group in the bunq app — you can choose what (kind of) payments to auto-split and when it’s time to auto-settle. 🤓

Utility payments, shared subscription expenses, groceries, and even payments of the bills arrived in your inbox can be automatically added to Slice groups based on the rules that you create using our API. But that’s not all!

Here’s a complete list of things you can do with Slice groups via the bunq API:

Test OAuth and work with documents easier than ever

We have restructured and extended the bunq Postman collection to make it even easier for you to work with our API!

The list of requests grew with OAuth authorization and token exchange requests. We also added API calls that will help you generate and download customer statements as well as export bunq invoices and attachments.

As our Postman collection has grown to as many as 31 requests, it became difficult to navigate it. We solved this for you by grouping requests by objects.

Always know an OAuth connection is revoked

You won’t miss users canceling the OAuth connection with your application anymore! Subscribe to notifications on revoked access permission using the new OAUTH callback category to listen on the updates.

Haven’t automated banking your way yet? Start by creating an API key in our developer portal!

Prefer working in the terminal? 💻 Start by just running a single command!

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