bunq API update: PSD2 endpoints + impact on existing integrations

bunq Developers’ Corner
2 min readJun 26, 2019

Yess! We are delighted to announce that the updated, now PSD2-compliant bunq API is on production! 🌈✨

What’s new

We accept eIDAS certificates

Registered PSD2-licensed service providers can access live bunq accounts. Not without the permission of the account owner, of course. ;)

About eIDAS certificates

Use or test them with our SDKs

Register as a PSD2 user with our SDKs

Sample implementation

OAuth roles and permissions

OAuth is the only authentication method available for PSD2-regulated use of the API. We encourage you to implement it in your applications.

The permissions that you can request via OAuth as a PSD2 service provider are determined by your role. The bunq API supports 3 types of PSD2 user accounts.

As an Account Information Service Provider (AISP), you can do the following:

  • Read balance
  • Read cards
  • Read notes
  • Read new transactions
  • Read past transactions
  • Read payment requests

As a Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP), you can do the following:

  • Initiate card payments
  • Initiate draft payments
  • Initiate payments

As a Card Based Payment Instrument Issuer (CBPII), you can do the following:

  • Initiate card payments
  • Read cards
  • Manage cards

About the bunq account authentication methods and when to use them

Register as a PSD2 user with our SDKs

Sample implementation

Monetary account selection

When reviewing an authorization request, bunq users can choose which monetary accounts they allow the PSD2-licensed service provider to access.

You can get the IBANs of the monetary accounts you are allowed to interact with by listing the available accounts via /user/{userID}/monetary-account.

About the types of bunq monetary accounts

Confirmation of funds

The new /user/{userID}/confirmation-of-funds endpoint is meant to help CBPIIs verify the funds available on the user’s account are sufficient to cover the to-be-initiated payment.

Draft scheduled or recurring payments

It is possible to initiate draft scheduled payments by specifying the scheduled date and in the schedule field of /user/{userID}/monetary-account/{monetary-accountID}/draft-payment.

You can also create recurring draft scheduled payments by setting the recurring field TRUE.

About the types of bunq payments and transactions

Everything else

Impact on live integrations

All the 200+ endpoints that you have integrated your apps with are remaining available. As a PSD2 party that has a working integration with the bunq API and is seeking to switch to the PSD2-compliant version of it, all you need to do is just the following:

  1. Register your eIDAS certificate and get a new API that associates with your certificate.
  2. Implement OAuth.

Details on how the bunq PSD2 flow works

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