Working with these APIs will make you a community hero ⭐

bunq Developers’ Corner
2 min readSep 3, 2020

Integrating lifestyle with finance can be fun and rewarding. 😉 We’re seeing amazing apps born in our developer community that prove this is the case. With our newly launched developer program, it has become even more satisfying!

Got an app you’d like us to feature? Submit it to our app directory!

We asked around and found the top APIs to integrate into your app along with the bunq API. We’re sharing the list with you in case you’re looking for inspiration or would like to make sure your app will attract other bunq users. Here we go!

Philips Hue

If you attended one of our bunq Hackathons, you might have noticed we love smart light bulbs. It turns out, our users love them too! Why not celebrate financial milestones with some color?

Google Maps

We all use it to get directions, and we all want to be healthy. Why not reward yourself with some money on healthy food for the distances you walked?


From rock to techno, we all love music. What if you could save for a concert of your favorite band or musician by listening to their songs? 🤟

Bonus ideas

Save money every time you save time

We all want to be productive. A mobile app or browser extension checking the apps or sites we visit and putting money aside for that bigger screen, perfect keyboard or HTC Vive could generate some extra motivation. Time saved is money put aside. 🤑

Say No to pointless YouTube watching before bed, Facebook scrolling at work, or listening to that song that keeps you from focusing on what’s in front of you, and Yes to money on what you enjoy doing after work.

How many X of Y can you buy?

Putting money aside for a set of things? How many of them can you buy already? May a widget show it!

Deadlines met with flying dollars

…oops, we mean euros. 😉 The more days you deliver a project ahead of a deadline, the more money is saved for the object X. You decide how much a countdown unit costs. What hour/day value would motivate you to finish things faster?

Do you have an idea or a project to share? We welcome you to tell us about them in the comments section below!

Would like to see what the bunq API is capable of? Get the credentials on our developer portal or start in seconds in your command line.

