2 years of Getting Shit Done at bunq

bunq Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2019
Peter van Doorn, Product Owner at bunq.

Finding my fit

It was never really a job I was looking for. What I wanted was a way to benefit the world. For bunq, all it took was a two sentence application letter: “I think you guys are doing a terrific job shaking up the financial industry. I want to be part of your journey!”

That was two years ago and what a journey it has been!

Starting the Race 🏁

My journey started at Customer Support, took me to Compliance and eventually bunq’s Product Team.

Customer Support was a rollercoaster of learning experiences, never knowing where you’ll end up. You quickly learn so much about the product and the way a challenger bank operates that it offers many directions to move forward in.


As part of our Compliance Team I was in charge of automating the way we accept new users by developing new processes, systems and interfaces, forming a bridge between developers and my own team.

However, with so much bunq experience under my belt, I recently transferred to our Product Team. I’ve come to know the product very well and found a way to use my knowledge and expertise to really make a difference: as part of my current job I study user behaviour and use this data to figure out what features we should create to make our users happier!

At bunq it really doesn’t matter what team you’re in. We all share the same goal: Changing the way we deal with money and making our users happy. I became known as the bunq sledgehammer that gets projects moving, a lot of which our users will get to see at our next bunq Update!

What makes working at bunq so great?

Two things I like most about bunq are that efficiency is paramount and that projects move fast. The benefit is you end up working with very bright people who keep amazing me time and time again. Co-workers at bunq will go that extra mile to get something done tonight rather than tomorrow. They will tell you what they are going to do, give you a deadline for it and then stick to it (or they’ll treat you with some 🍪).

Sure, there are nights I prefer to go home and watch some Netflix instead of fixing that one unexpected showstopper. At bunq however everybody is passionate about what we do and how it’s changing the world for the better. Binge-working always beats binge-watching when you work at bunq!

Get Shit Done 💻

I remember one night my team got flooded with users that wanted to open a bunq account.

That moment Ali, our CEO, cleared his schedule. He asked me and some co-workers to join him in a room, and we stuck our heads together to get it fixed once and for all.

One week later our coders had worked their magic and everything fell into place. We automated the hell out of user onboarding -as we call reviewing new users- and best of all: we could add these users to our system quicker than before.

Now, whenever I invite a friend to sign up and his account gets approved in the blink of an eye, I proudly point out I made that happen. Usually they are amazed by the simplicity and ask: ‘How did you do this?’.

To which I can only reply: “Hard work and a bit of magic”!

That is what I love about bunq.


Peter / Product Owner a.k.a sledgehammer

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