A message of Love

bunq Blog
Published in
1 min readAug 8, 2019
Join us and #spreadlove

Today we received some deeply disturbing news. We learned that one of our bunq users was attacked in India. Just for using his bunq colored rainbow card to pay for lunch. Needless to say, we are shocked and outraged. We immediately reached out to see what we can do to help our user.

The colors of our bunq cards represent the happiness and joy all people of the world associate with seeing the rainbow. Over time some have suggested changing the design of our cards to make them “less gay”. As if being gay would somehow be a bad thing.

We are sharing this message to take a stance. Rather than calling for outrage and anger we would like to call on everyone to embrace each other. Black, white, yellow, purple, gay, hetero, bi: in the end, we are all human.

All humans on this planet are equal. We should be free to express ourselves without fear. No matter age, color or sexual orientation. So, let’s take a stance and spread a message of love by sharing this message. #spreadlove

Love me for who I am for I love you for who you are.

Lots of love,

Ali | CEO of bunq

