How to play Dragonereum at Buntoy

Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2018

Like Metamask as your desktop Ethereum wallet, now you can use Buntoy to play Dragonereum on mobile.

BUNTOY is a game-focused purse product, where you can play Dragonereum on the mobile phone side with BUNTOY and trade directly!

Here’s a brief introduction for you how to use BUNTOY to play Dragonereum

Install BUNTOY and Create/Import Wallet

You can install it directly from the BUNTOY website.

After the installation is complete, open the Buntoy application on your mobile.

When you first open it, you’ll see the welcome page, and you can choose “Try Now” to create a new wallet or import your Wallet.

To create a new wallet, just wait a few seconds, then generate a new wallet and go directly to the page.

You can also use mnemonics to import your wallet. Enter twelve mnemonics to use the Wallet

Buntoy supports multiple wallets, where you can create a new wallet and then go to the “ME” interface to select “Account”

Select the specific wallets you need to import to bring other wallets you own into Buntoy

How to play Dragonereum with Buntoy

Please select the current network from the “ME” interface to confirm that the current network is Mainnet

Go to the “Dapps” interface and select Dragonereum, click “Play” to go to the web page

Now you can play Dragonereum as well on mobile! There is no distinction between the content and the platform, and Buntoy is responsible for all transactions.

On the Genesis page you can get Dragon Eggs for free.

The only thing you have to do for obtaining the egg is to win the gas auction, that means placing the highest bid in gas among other participants. This gas then goes to miners as a fee.

There will only be 10,000 Genesis eggs released. Make sure you don’t miss out!

You can also buy incubated dragons in the marketplace. Click on the dragon to go to the details page to see specific data about the Dragon’s capabilities.

When you have a dragon, you will be able to go to the Arena and battle other players.

Winning battles earns you valuable experience points for training and breeding, the in-game cryptocurrency, and one step higher on the Dragonereum leadership board!

