How to Convert Social Media Followers into Paying Patrons

4 Must-Do Steps To Succeed On Patreon

Buoy Ventures
Buoy Ventures Blog


In this post we will explain some must-do steps for sharing your patreon page with your current social media audience. This is the third of a series of posts about Patreon — the two previous posts have been added below. Check them out if you want to know the basics of setting up a patreon page. Otherwise, let’s learn how to convert a social media following into paying patrons! 🤑 🚀

Step 1: Write A Welcome Post

The first thing you should do before sharing your page with your social media audience, is write your first Patreon post. This will be the first thing visitors see when they get to your page so it’s important to make a good impression.

It’s important to include some basic information about your page — including your goals, rewards, and reasons for setting up a Patreon Page. This way your audience knows how to support you, what they will get in return, and how their money will be spent to improve your work.

Your post should also be on-brand. Most people visiting your page will be followers from your other social media platforms, so it’s important that your tone and writing style is consistent with your voice on other channels.

Overall, communication and transparency is key when you’re starting your Patreon page, so be upfront and honest. The more genuine you are, the more authentic your message and page will be in the eyes of your patrons.

btw: make sure it’s public!

Make sure your first post is public. Otherwise, no one will have access to it since you just launched your page and don’t have any patrons.

Step 2: Link To Patreon Everywhere

Patreon is your digital tip jar so add links to it everywhere. You should have a link in all of your social media profiles/bios, email signatures, embedded on your website, and any other digital touch point. It’s important to drive all traffic back to your creator page so this is a must — add a link everywhere! 🔗

Step 3: Shout It From The Rooftops

Once you have added links to all of your profiles, it’s time to let people know. Shout it from the rooftops! Let your online communities know what you will be doing on Patreon and the rewards you will be giving to supporters. Just like your first Patreon post, be clear with your audience so they’re excited to check out your page and become a patron.

Step 4: Share Patreon Updates Often

You will have the most success with Patreon if you already have an engaged online community. According to Patreon, over 30% of their platform’s traffic is from social media — so make sure you post often!

Share fun clips, behind-the-scene shots, rewards and other exciting stuff happening on your Patreon Page. Also remember to give shoutouts and thank your patrons on all platforms. Thanking patrons publically will make them feel great and it will significantly strengthen your relationship with your audience. Giving shoutouts also results in awareness for your work because your patrons share the shoutout on their profiles. It’s a huge win-win so remember to say THANKS!

Thanks for reading! We hope this helped you figure out the best way to share your patreon page with your social media following. Let us know if you have any questions (or any topics you would like us to cover) in the comments below!

