How to Expand Your Business

Buoy Ventures
Buoy Ventures Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2018

So your business is thriving. You’ve put in all the hard work and it’s finally starting to pay off. You have dreams of making your business a multi-million-dollar company, but you just don’t know how to get there.

Expanding your business is one of the hardest tasks to take on. It’s one thing to have dreams of expansion, but it’s another to put it into action. In order to help you on this journey, we have come up with 4 tips on how you can help your business grow. From thinking big, to networking, these are just a few tips to help your business become everything you’ve ever dreamed of.

Aim High

It’s easy to want big things for your company, but it’s another to actually make it happen. If you want to be big, you need to think big. If you have all these lofty dreams and you want to make them a reality, you need to strategize. Develop a strategy that will help you achieve you goal and then act on it. Make sure you have the right people around you that will help you make this happen. Your employees and network connections are all key in helping you get to the next level.

Hire Exceptional Talent

If you want your business to expand, you need the right people around you. Make sure you hire people who are not only exceptional, but will prove to be an integral role as your company starts to grow. Don’t hire unnecessary people if their job can be done by a computer program. Hire individuals who have amazing ideas. People who want to grow with you as your business grows. Hire individuals who are in it for the long haul. When you hire someone who truly believes in your vision, they can only help in the expansion. Make sure these individuals have multiple skills so they can be used wherever needed.

Use Social Media

Social Media is one of the most important aspects of any business in this day and age. It’s the best way to spread the word about your company and what it can offer. Ramping up your social media efforts is key. Make sure you are up to date with the current trends. Listen to your followers and engage with them. If you provide a service or product and a customer has feedback or a complaint, get ahead of it and engage. Companies who don’t provide exceptional customer service will never succeed and if someone comments about your business on social media, the entire world can see it. Just think how one false move on Twitter has led to individuals losing their jobs, businesses losing their credibility, all because of a poorly thought out tweet.


It’s not always what you know, sometimes it’s who you know. Establishing key relationships is so important in expanding your business. You never know when you’ll need a favor. You never know when you’ll need advice. Perhaps you might need a little bit of financial help from a fellow entrepreneur. The point is you never know what you may encounter when growing your business so you need to make sure you have key connects that can be there for you for whatever reason.

Although this list isn’t everything you need to know when trying to expand your business, it’s a great place to start. Make your business become everything you’ve ever dreamed of, but be smart about it. And if you have any questions at all, or need any help, contact us right away!

