3 Feet From Gold!

The road to 400 — day 6 update

Aaron Waddell
Published in
4 min readFeb 7, 2024


Photo by Jingming Pan on Unsplash

In his classic book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill tells the story of R.U. Darby, a young man who went looking for gold in Colorado during the gold rush days of the mid-19th century.

After much searching, he found a promising deposit with what promised to be large amounts of gold.

Returning home, he raised funding from many people in his hometown to purchase the equipment to mine the gold. But after digging up a small amount, an amount insufficient to pay his creditors, he discovered to his horror that he had hit an end!

He searched and searched in vain, hoping to pick up the vein again, but he was never able to. He ultimately gave up and returned home, selling off his equipment to a “Junk Man” before leaving.

But this “Junk Man” was no fool. He sought expert counsel, and discovered that the deposit had not ”dried up”. The vein crossed a fault line, which had shifted the vein 3 feet along that line!

He drilled with this knowledge, found the continuation of the vein, and became a very wealthy man!

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash



Aaron Waddell
Writer for

7x boosted poet. Success Coach. Student of A Course in Miracles & Neville Goddard. Whatever the mind can conceive, and the soul believes, will be achieved.