6 Unusual Spiritual Causes of Depression You Need to Know

I’ve been through this more than once, and I made it out. I know you can too.

Emy Knazovic
Published in
6 min readMar 26, 2024


“Even in the darkest moments, there is a spark of divine light waiting to guide us through.” — Emy Knazovic

SPIRITUALITY | MENTAL HEALTH 6 Unusual Spiritual Causes of Depression You Need to Know I’ve been through this more than once, and I made it out. I know you can too. https://medium.com/@emyknazovic
Created by Author via hotpot.ai and canva.com

After 47 years of struggles and challenges, I’ve finally come to understand why I had to go through such heartbreaking experiences in my life.

Abuses, depression, self-destructive habits — all those difficulties were there to lead me to this point in my life where I can finally comprehend why you and I have to navigate through these pains.

This read comes from personal experiences with depression throughout my 47 years on this planet.

This message is intended to be guidance; if you need immediate help, please reach out to professionals.
Asking for help is courageous and not a weakness.
I wouldn’t be here today writing these words if I hadn’t asked for help.

You’re worth it, you’re loved, and you’re needed more than you may think.

If you’re ready to take my…



Emy Knazovic
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Editor at B.U.Hub | I Help You Transform Your Mind & Be Your Best | Spirituality, Mindfulness, Psychology, Self Improvement, From Painful Past To Joyous Future