8 Remarkable Signs You’ve Passed The Universe’s Test Now

Are you feeling the vibe like never before?😉

Emy Knazovic
Published in
6 min readMar 21, 2024


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SPIRITUALITY | SOUL MISSION 8 Remarkable Signs You’ve Passed The Universe’s Test Now Are you feeling the vibe like never before?😉 written by Emy Knazovic https://medium.com/@emyknazovic
Created by Author via hotpot.ai and canva.com

Growing as a human being mentally, physically, and spiritually is a long process, and our paths are full of challenges and heartaches.

Sometimes, we don’t even know what’s going on; we just want to hide under our blankets, with pillows covering our crying faces.

I’ve experienced so many struggles throughout my life that questioning my existence and the reason for living was on my mind for years.

Why does the Universe test us before we can have a life we desire to live?

Because it wants to know if we’ve learned from our lessons and are ready to be the person who can handle the life we desire to live.

For example: you can say you want to earn money with your writing, yet do the total opposite of believing in yourself and putting your work out there, or invest in studying further your craft.

This shows the universe you aren’t ready to play at the level you need to be just yet.



Emy Knazovic
Editor for

Editor at Be Unlimited Hub | I Write To Challenge Your Mind & Soul | Spirituality, Mindfulness, Psychology, Writing, Self Improvement, Master Coach